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摘要图像匹配是指通过一定的算法在两幅或多幅影像之间识别同名点的过程。图像匹配技术是图像处理技术中的重要研究内容,是图像信息领域之中的一项重要技术,同时它也是其它一些图像分析技术的基础。正由于其应用的广泛性,使得匹配算法的研究逐步走向成熟。图像匹配是一个多步骤的过程,不同的匹配算法之间步骤也会有很大的不同,效果也有较大的出入。SIFT算法是一种基于尺度空间的算法,该算法特征是图像的局部特征,使其对旋转、尺度缩放、亮度变化具有保持不变性,对视角变化、方式变换、噪声也具有良好的稳定性,同时SIFT算法具有独特性好、信息量丰富,运行速度快等特点。本课题研究了基于SIFT算法的图像匹配方法,论述了SIFT算法的实现过程。通过实验,探寻SIFT在亮度变化、尺度变化、旋转变化下的匹配效果。并运用SIFT算法实现物体识别。关键字: 图像匹配,尺度空间,稳定性, SIFT算法,物体识别ABSTRACTImage matching refers to the process of identify homonymy points between two or more images by a certain algorithm. Generally speaking, Image matching technology is of important, not only in the application of image processing technology, but also in the field of pattern information. Besides, it is also the basis of some other technology of image analysis. Therefore, it would seem that further investigation about image matching technology is needed.Image matching is a multi-step process. Different matching algorithm would have different calculate steps and results. In addition, SIFT is an algorithm based on scale-space, which feature is the local features of the image, its rotation, scale zooming, brightness variation have the advantage of invariability, and the change of viewpoint ,pattern transformation, noise also has good trait of stability. Meanwhile, the SIFT algorithm has the characteristics of good uniqueness, huge information, faster running speed and so on.This article presents that the method of image matching what based on SIFT algorithm, and summarize that the implementation procedure of SIFT algorithm as well as explores the matching results of SIFT in the aspect of brightness variation, scale variation and Rotation variation.Besides, it also discusses the way of object recognition by use of SIFT algorithm.Keywords: image matching, scale-space, stability, SIFT algorithms, object recognition目 录1 绪论11.1研究的背景及意义11.2国内外研究现状21.3研究内容和目标31.4 章节安排32 图像匹配52.1 图像匹配技术概述52.2 图像匹配技术的定义52.3 图像匹配算法分类62.4 本章小结63 尺度空间理论73.1 尺度空间理论73.2 高斯尺度空间83.3 本章小结84 SIFT特征匹配94.1 图像的初始104.2 尺度空


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