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七年级英语下unit4不要混淆祈使句与非谓语动词My father is strict ________ me, but I think it’s best to ________ the rules. with; learn B. with; follow C. in; forget D. at; rememberLet’s ________ for a walk. go B. to go C. going D. goesAt school every student ________ to clean the classroom. can B. can’t C. have D. has Tom, ________ play games here. Father is sleeping. doesn’t B. can’t C. don’t D. not to________ me an e-mail before you come to Hangzhou. I’ll meet you at the airport(机场).A. Sending B. To send C. Sends D. Send_____?talk?in?the?reading?room.A.?Don’t???B.?Not????C.?No______ to smile at your life when you are in trouble(麻烦), and you will soon(很快) be happy again.Try B. To try C.Trying D.Tried---?Jack,?don’t?always?copy?what?others?do.?______your?head,?please.?---?Thanks?for?telling?me?Using????B.?Used?????C.?Uses?????D.?Use—John, _______ up now or we’ll be late forthe bus. —All right. I’ll be quick. gets B. get C.to get D.gettingWe are at the library . Please ___ quietdo B. be C. can D. are_____kind(方法) and helpful to the people aroundus, and we will make the world a nicer place.Be B.Being C.To be D.Been________ the building(建筑物) quickly,but ________use the lift.Leave;don’t B.Leaving;don’t C.Leave;not D.Leaving;not15 _________ the road round to the right and you’ll find his house. A. Follow???????????????????? B. Following???????????????????? C. To follow????????????????????? D. Followed16 _________ the road round to the right, she found his house. A. Follow??????????????????????? B. Following??????????????????????? C. To follow??????????????????????? D. Followed17 _________ the road round to the right, the blind man asked a boy to guide him.Follow??????????????????????? B. Following??????????????????????? C. To follow??????????????????????? D. Followed18_________ the milk and set a good example to the other children. Drink????????


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