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2018年冀教版八年级下册英语课件:Unit6Lesson 33(共29张)
Good morning;Guess game;;;Do you know about Olympics? Just test you!;1. Who is the father of modern Olympics? A. Pierre de Coubertin B. Tomas Elven;2. How long is the Olympics? A. about 100 years B. about 1500 years C. about 2800 years;Lesson 33: 2800 Years of Sports;listen to the passage and fill in the blanks;Fast reading;Read and Translate;Ms. Liu: Yesterday I asked you to do some research on the history of the Olympics. Did anyone find out when the Olympics began?Wang Mei:Yes, I searched it on the Internet. The year was 776 BC. That was about 2800 years ago.Ms. Liu: Excellent! Did anyone find out where the ancient Olympics began?Li Ming: I know that! They started in Greece.;Examples?We are going to do some research on the family.?She advised me to do some research on the Olympics. ;Mike,can you go and_____how many flights there are from our city to London every day?A. work out B.look out C. get out D. find out ;Ms. Liu: That right. The ancient Greeks wanted to have the best athletes competed against each other. They held the event every four years in Olympia.Wang Mei:But those first Olympics were very different from todays. Women couldnt take part in the games.;ExamplesThe boss often has them work for 14 hours a day.Dont make me cry, please.Lets go! ;Fill in the blanks;Ms. Liu:Good point, Wang Mei. Married women couldnt even watch the games!Li Ming:Now both men and women can take in part in the Olympics! I also found out that the modern Olympics began in 1896 and took place every four years. In 2008, China hosted the 29th Olympic Games. It was so exciting!;Wang Mei:The ancient Greeks would be amazed at how the Olympic Games have grown
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