
2018春外研版九年级英语下册教学课件:Revision module B(共31张).pptx

2018春外研版九年级英语下册教学课件:Revision module B(共31张).pptx

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2018春外研版九年级英语下册教学课件:Revision module B(共31张)

外研社 (新标准) 初中英语 九年级Welcome !Object Clause 宾语从句 ObjectivesAll: To be able to understand the usage of the object clause.Most: To be able to make sentences with the object clause. Some: To be able to write a compostion with the object clause.WatchAnswer1. Who is he?2. What does he look like?3. What can he do ?a speaker(演讲家).heisNick.heHeHeisisa speaker (演讲家). Nick.isI knowhe(that)has noarms .arms .Hehas no a speaker.heisI know(that)heisNick.hehas noarms .当宾语从句由_______充当时,引导词用______, 引导词可以________。陈述句that省略Memory ChallengeI know (that) he can_______.diveMemory ChallengeI know (that) he can_______.surfMemory Challengehe can play golfI know (that) ________________.Memory ChallengeI know (that) __________________.he can play footballI know that he can dive.I know that he can surf.I know that he can play golf.I know that he can play football.Do you knowwhetherIsheafraid of failing ?or not?whetherDoeshewant to give up?if/wants当宾语从句由___________充当时,引导词用________或___, 译为“是否”,引导词不可________。一般疑问句 whetherif省略Pair workA. Could you guessif/whether Nick can ride a horse _________________________?he canB. Yes, ______.if/whether he can writeA. Could you guess______________________?he canB. Yes, ______.A. Could you guess if/whether he can play the computer________________________________?he canB. Yes, ______.Do you knowHowHowHowhowHowHowdoesheencourage people?people?encourageshowI don’ care ____ you look.I don’t care ______ you can do or can not do. I don’t care ___________friends you have.whathow many当宾语从句由___________充当时,引导词用______________,引导词不可________。特殊疑问句省略 特殊疑问词I knowheisNick.(that)Do you knowwhetherDoeswantsheto give up?want to give up?howHowDoesencouragesheencourage people?people?陈述语序宾语从句的语序必须是__________,即先____后____。主谓Nicksaysthat Read sentences one by one.Make sentences according to the tip.What does Nick say ?当主句是____________时宾语从句用____________时态。即___________.现在时态henow. is playing football它所需要的heplays footballevery day.主现从任意heplayed football last week. hewill play fo



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