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第六模块 Unit 1 学案 Welco?me to the Unit Aims and requi?remen?ts1、欣赏几幅海?报。 2、让同学们认?识到任何人?都喜欢有趣?的事物 words? and expre?ssion?s from the text 1. Every?one agree?s that laugh?ter is good for you. 每个人都认?为笑对身体?有好处。 laugh?ter n. [U] the act or sound? of laugh?ing 笑;笑声;笑的样子 She roare?d with laugh?ter (= laugh?ed very loudl?y). As we appro?ached? the hall we could? hear the sound? of laugh?ter. 常用搭配:burst? into laugh?ter 爆发出一阵?笑声 roar with laugh?ter 放声大笑 agree? vi. or vt. to have the same opini?on, or to accep?t a sugge?stion? or idea: Ann and I never? seem to agree?. I agree? with you on this issue?. My fathe?r and I dont agree? about?/on very much. [+ that] I agree? that he shoul?d be invit?ed. [+ quest?ion word] Exper?ts seem unabl?e to agree? wheth?er the drug is safe or not. [+ speec?h] Youre absol?utely? right?,” agree?d Jake. I sugge?sted that we shoul?d meet, and they agree?d (= said yes). [+ to infin?itive?] The bank has agree?d (= is willi?ng) to lend me £5000. 相关短语: in agree?ment with 同意,赞同 break? an agree?ment 违反协议 reach?/ come to/ arriv?e at an agree?ment达?成协议 concl?ude/ make an agree?ment 签订关于……的协议 2. Which? of the event?s above? do you think? will be the funni?est?此句为复杂?疑问句,其结构为: 疑问词+do you think? +其余部分(陈述语序) who do you think? is the talle?st in your class?? Why do you think? the earth?’s tempe?ratur?e keeps? risin?g? 巩固练习 单项选择 1. Would? you pleas?e pass me the sugar??_____?_____?_. A. Yes, pleas?e B. No, thank?s C. With pleas?ure D. Never? mind 2. Ted could?n’t remem?ber the exact? date of the hurri?cane, but he knew it was ___Su?nday morni?ng becau?se every?body was at _____?__chu?rch. A. /;the B. the ;/ C. /;a D. a;/ 3. You _____?_part? in the party? in time. Sorry?, I was delay?ed by the accid?ent. A. are suppo?sed to take B. have suppo?sed to take C. are suppo?sed to have taken? D. suppo?sed to take 4. The audie?nce were _____?_by his _____?__per?forma?nce on the stage?. A. amuse?d



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