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毕业设计说明书 设计题目:唐山市唐钢家园一号住宅楼设计 摘 要 近年来,随着经济建设的发展和人口的数量增加,住房建设用地日趋紧张。新建高 层建筑越来越高。为了满足抗震等条件的要求,新的结构形式在不断的发展,其中剪力 墙结构就广泛用于高层住宅。因此,对高层住宅剪力墙结构的力学性能进行研究具有具 有重要的理论和实现意义。 本设计为唐山市唐钢家园一号住宅楼设计。建筑面积约7000平方米,地下一层,地上十二层,层高2.9米,总高度42米。本设计在确定剪力墙布局之后,先进行了重力荷载计算、风荷载计算、水平地震作用计算,然后根据结构在水平地震作用和竖向荷载作用下的内力计算进行内力组合,选取最安全的结果计算配筋并绘图。整个结构在设计过程中,严格遵循相关的专业规范的要求,参考相关资料和有关必威体育精装版的国家标准规范,对设计的各个环节进综合全面的科学性考虑。 关键词:剪力墙结构;高层建筑;住宅 Abstract With the economic development and population increasing,construction land is increasingly getting tense, and tall building are getting higher and higher. To meet the requirements of conditions, such as seismic, structural from has also developed continuously, on a wide range of shear wall structure for high-rise residential. To meet the requirements such as seismic conditions,the shear wall structure form on a wide range for high-rise residential building has developed continuously. Therefore,it is significance to study the theory and practices of the mechanical properties of the tall residential shear wall structures. The design is a 12-storey residential building structural design, belonging to TangGangJiaYuan block, one of the commercial housing blocks numbered 1. The area, above the ground floor, is about 7000 square meters, the building here takes a shear-wall structure, with a total of 12 floors above the ground and 1 floor below the ground ,and 2.9 meters height a storey, and the total height is 42m.The design after determinating shear-wall structure layout has carried on the first level the calculating the gravity load, calculating the wind load and calculating the function of level earthquake. According to calucating the structural endogenous force of the level earthquake,the wind load, the vertical load ,carried on the endogenic force combination,,then selected the safest result computation to match the muscle and to draw a chart. The entire structure in the design process, the strict deference related specialized standard request, the reference correlation dat


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