基于Java EE的在线考试系统毕业设计1.doc

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基于Java EE的在线考试系统毕业设计1

本科毕业设计(论文) 题目 基于Java EE的在线考试系统(成绩管理和阅卷模块)的设计与实现        学院名称  信息学院      专业班级    In this era, knowledge and technology get good connection with each other. Advancement of technology is changing the lives of everyone. As an important part of peoples lives, education has attracted more and more peoples attention. Ancient times, examination system was used to personnel selection in various fields by Chinese people. Exam become an important indispensable part of education. However, traditional examination system exist many of drawbacks and limitations. It always reliance on fixed sites, requires a lot of paper, and takes up a lot of manpower, material and financial resources. This kind of test system has been unable to meet the needs of modern society for talent. According to?combining the Internet and exam pattern is precisely in response the requirements of the times, and promote education to a more efficient direction. This thesis makes the online exam as the main content, based on J2EE , and combined with driving license test topic. In the requirements analysis stage, it introduce the main function modules of the system, analyzes the different roles of authority, meanwhile describes the main business processes of the system. In database design stage, it has detailed design for the database which based on the requirements analysis, and explains the main structure of the database tables and system overall ER diagram. In the system implementation stage, encoding for each module, Through the relevant technology to achieve add, delete, query, alter functions for each module. The system is developed based on J2EE, using B / S development model, and regard MyEclipse8.5 as a development platform, java as the primary development language, Tomcat 7.0 as a server, and using Oracle as the background database. This system can achieve add, delete, query, alter functions for different roles of authority, able to complete a full process of


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