基于PLC的钻床加工控制系统设计 毕业设计(论文)1.doc

基于PLC的钻床加工控制系统设计 毕业设计(论文)1.doc

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基于PLC的钻床加工控制系统设计 毕业设计(论文)1

基于PLC的钻床加工控制系统设计 摘 要 本文的重点是阐述了机械零部件在钻床加工中与电气控制系统PLC进一步的升级从而让钻床更加快速有效的工作。重中之重是对那些过去普遍使用过时了的继电器控制线路老化问题、可靠性问题和故障排除复杂等问题进行控制系统改造。所以,此次设计对大钻头和小钻头钻床电气控制系统的进一步优化,是利用把PLC控制技术融合到优化改进方案里面去,用来提升大、小钻头钻床的工作性能。大、小钻头钻床主要是用计算机控制,管理,监主机,用可编程控制器为控制器,,上位机用组态王软件完成和PLC之间的数据通信。PLC,组态 Design of Control System for Drilling Machine Processing Based on PLC ABSTRACT This paper mainly studies the mechanical parts processing drilling machine electric control system of the PLC, mainly to the traditional relay control circuit aging problem, the reliability and fault exclusion of complex control system transformation. Therefore, the design of big or small drill electric control system transformation of, will PLC control technology is applied to the transformation of the program, in order to improve the performance of duplex drill. Duplex drill used in computer as the control, management, monitoring host, the programmable controller of Siemens series S7-200 as the main controller, design size two drills and rotary worktable, PC using Kingview 6.55 to complete data communication between computer and PLC. In this paper, we study the big or small drilling machine control system control strategy, ?big or small headed drilling machine control system performance, improve the big or small drilling machine control system operation efficiency. According to the big or small drilling machine control system function implementation requirements and selection of motor and motor drive, and gives the block diagram of the system and the equipment circuit wiring diagram. KEY WORDS: Big or small?Drilling Machine, PLC, King View 目 录 前 言 1 第1章 绪 论 2 1.1 课题国内外发展状态 2 1.2 课题研究目的及意义 3 1.3 设计内容及安排 3 第2章 PLC工作原理和特性简介 5 2.1 PLC工作原理 5 2.2 PLC的特性 6 第3章 钻床系统硬件设计 7 3.1 钻床控制系统要求 7 3.1.1 工作要求 7 8 3.2 PLC选型 8 3.3 I/O地址分配 8 3.4 PLC外部接线图 10 3.5 主电路图 10 第 12 4.1 钻床控制系统分析 12 4.2 钻头钻床梯形图程序的设计 14 4.3 PLC总梯形图 17 4.4 PLC指令表 21 第5章 组态设计及调试 25 5.1 上位机软件设计概述 25 5.2 组态软件的设计步骤 25 5.3 设计监控画面 26 5.4 定义数据变量 27 5.5 变量动画连接 29 5.6 运行调试 32 结 论 36



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