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论我国服装行业营销渠道管理研究 摘要:“衣、食、住、行”乃生存发展的基本需求,改革开放三十年来,中国经济得到了巨大的发展,在这个不断变化发展、富有创造力、充满机遇挑战的社会环境下,我国服装业的发展也取得了飞速进步,特别是近10年发展速度更为迅猛,不仅迅速成为服装需求大国,更成为服装生产大国之一,对于服装行业而言,营销渠道管理可谓是最核心的因素,对服装企业的发展起着十分关键的作用,充分了解服装行业营销渠道管理的现状、问题以及在今后发展中应该采取的相关措施等对服装生产企业和服装销售企业来说都是十分必要的,不仅能增强企业自身的竞争实力,更有利于企业营销工作的顺利进行。本文通过对我国服装行业营销渠道管理现状的分析和研究,找出现阶段我国服装行业营销渠道管理中存在的问题,目的是为了进一步明晰营销渠道管理对服装行业的重要性,及企业在今后发展中在渠道选择,渠道开拓,以及渠道管理方面应该注意的问题,并根据问题找出相关管理的恰当对策,对服装企业的发展提供有力的借鉴。 关键词:服装行业; 营销渠道; 营销渠道管理; 策略 Chinas clothing industry marketing channel management research Abstract: The garment, feed, live, row is the survival and development of the basic requirements, thirty years of reform and opening up, Chinas economy has been a great development, in this ever-changing development, creative, full of opportunities and challenges of the social environment, Chinas garment industry development has also made rapid progress, especially in the past10years development speed is more rapid, quickly becoming not only clothing demand big country, become one of the largest producer of clothing, the garment industry, marketing channel management is the most core factor, the clothing enterprise development plays a key role, to fully understand the clothing industry marketing channel management of the status quo, problems and development in the future we should take the relevant measures for clothing manufacturers and clothing sales enterprise is very necessary, not only to enhance their competitiveness, more conducive to enterprise marketing work smoothly. This paper on Chinas clothing industry marketing channel management present situation analysis and research, find out at this stage of Chinas garment industry marketing channel management problems, the purpose is to further clarify the management of marketing channels for the apparel industry s importance, and the enterprise development in the future in the channel choice, channel development and channel management, we should pay attention to the problem, according to the problems


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