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北 京 服 装 学 院 商 学院(系) 信息管理与信息系统 专业 2008届本科毕业设计(论文) 题 目 服装企业网站的设计与实施 英文题目 Design and Implementation Of a Clothes Enterprise Website 说明书 页 图 纸 张 学生姓名 班级学号 指导教师 2008 年 6 月 16 日 服装企业网站的设计与实施 摘 要 服装企业网站的设计与实施,其主要目的在于通过网站中精美的页面设计和丰富的动态功能,使企业与企业、个人与企业之间能够通过网站进行交流与沟通,同时也使企业的信息管理与资源交流方式更加网络化、多样化。 本文主要阐述了服装企业网站设计与实施的具体步骤,并展示了所取得的成果。文章中首先通过需求分析全面地了解用户的各项要求,研究解决“做什么”和“如何做”的问题。在明确了网站的建设目的后,便开始了具体的实施工作,其中包括确定网站主题、搜集网站相关资料、对网站内容进行规划和制作等等。接下来又介绍了网站中动态功能的实现,例如注册登录、动态新闻以及新图片上传等等。最后,通过系统的运行和实施,使服装企业网站达到最初的设计要求与标准,并将最终的设计成果展示出来。 关键词:服装;企业网站;网站的建设;动态功能 DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF A CLOTHES ENTERPRISE WEBSITE ABSTRACT The purpose of designing and implementing of the clothes company website is to link up corporation and corporation, corporation and individual by delicate web page and colorful active functions .At the same time it makes the information managerment and resource conmunication more networkal and diversify . In this actical, firstly it brifly expounds specific steps of company website design and implementations, and shows the effect of the website, then it analyse the demand of users requirements in all-round ways, solve the porblems such aswhat to doand how to do.After a definite understanding of the website construction,the specific implementation might be started which includes to determine the theme of the web site, to land and register ,to release news and upload new pictures and so on. Secondly,it introduces the method of realizing the atctive function of the site, such as enrolling、dynamic news and files downloading. Finally,the website will correspond to its initial purpse of design,and shows the final outcome of design for the readers. Key words: clothes, enterprise website, website construction, dynamic function 目


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