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南京林业大学 本科毕业设计(论文) 题 目: 学 院: 专 业: 学 号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 职 称: 2013 年 5 月 31 日 摘 要 目前,畜禽养殖业在农业总产值中所占的比重不断扩大,因此对饲料的需求量也日渐增加,而粉碎是饲料加工中最重要的工序之一,必然要用到粉碎机,粉碎使饲料暴露的表面积增大,以利于消化;对输送、配料、混合、制粒与饲喂等后续工作更方便、效率更高,质量更有保证。锤片式粉碎机是粉碎工序中最常用的设备之一。本次设计的粉碎机应具备结构简单、工作可靠等优点,易与电动机直联。考虑提高其生产率,降低其单位产品电耗,可方便的控制产品粒度,提高其均匀度,还应考虑到其使用的可靠性、操作安全性、维修方便等情况,可以满足一般工厂对粉碎机的要求。本次设计的粉碎机是9F-40型锤片式粉碎机,动力配置采用了广泛使用的皮带轮驱动,该机主要组成部分有:机体、喂料口、转子、筛片、传动部分。 关键词:锤片式;饲料;粉碎机;设计 Abstract At present, livestock and poultry breeding industry accounts for the proportion in agricultural gross output value increasing. So the demand for feed is also growing. And pulverizing is one of the most important processes in feed processing. Pulverizing must use the mill. Crushing the feed exposed surface area increases, to facilitate digestion. Crushing is more convenient, more efficient, more quality assurance on the conveyor, batching, mixing, granulating and feeding the follow-up work. Hammer crusher is one of the most commonly used equipment for grinding process. The design should have the advantages of simple structure, reliable work, easy in conjunction with the motor directly. The design must be consideration of improving productivity, reducing the unit product energy consumption, convenient to control the product size, improving its uniformity. Consideration should also be given to the reliability, operational safety, convenient repair and its use. This design of the grinder is 9F-40 type of hammer mill. Power configuration the mill used is widely used pulley driven. This machine mainly consists of the body, feeding port, rotor, sieve, transmission part. Key words: Hammer, Fodder , Grinder, Design 目 录 第一章 前言 1 1.1 课题研究的背景和意义 1 1.2 国内外研究状况及发展趋势 1 第二章 总体方案的确定 4 2.1 粉碎机的分类 4 2.2 粉碎机的一般构造 4 2.3 粉碎机的工作过程 5 .第三章 粉碎机重要部件的选型与设计 6 3.1 机壳 6 3.2 机体 7 3.3 锤片 7 3.3.1 锤片的尺寸和形状 7 3.3.2 锤片安装方式 8 3.4 粉碎室 9 3.5 筛片 10 3.6 锤筛间隙 11 3.7 排料装置 11 第四章 粉碎机传动部分设计 12 4.1带轮 12 4.1.1 带传动的特点 12 4.1.2 V带传动设计计算 12 4.2 主轴 15 4.2.1主轴的设计 15 4.2.2 主轴的校核 17


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