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摘要 机器人是最典型的机电一体化装备,技术附加值很高,应用范围很广,作为先进制造业的支撑技术和信息化社会的新兴产业,将对未来生产和社会发展起越来越重要的作用。随着世界各国工业自动化的快速进行,工业机器人产业从20实际下半叶开始进入快速稳定增长时期。工业机器人的广泛应用不仅提高了产品的质量还降低了生产成本,促进了社会发展。 包装工业机器人用途:主要用于体积大而笨重物件的搬运、装卸和堆码等;人体不能接触的洁净产品的包装,如食品、药品,特别是生物制品和微生物制剂;及对人体有害的化工原料的包装。随着机器人技术的成熟和产业化的实现,使得包装工程领域中应用机器人的范围越来越广。主要有: (1)集合包装装箱:一次将多个包装件进行一次装箱。 (2)粉料大袋的袋装:一次性将粉料装入特定软袋中,同时完成特定位置的堆码。 (3)高速的装盒装箱折边封合多工位包装 (4)重物的搬运捆扎 (5)易脆物品的包装实现 香烟的生产包装过程一般都是通过人工完成不仅效率低而且对工人的技术也提出了很高了要求。本次设计课题是香烟自动装箱单元机械系统设计,通过对该机械系统的结构形式的确定、驱动方式的选择、传动方式的选择以及对于机械系统部件的选择如:气动部件的选择和手抓的设计、电机型号的选择、丝杠和导轨的选择设计来实现香烟的自动装箱,从而提高生产效率节省人力。 关键词:机器人;包装;效率 Abstract Robot is the most typical electromechanical integration equipment.As high value-added technology, a wide range of applications, the support of advanced manufacturing technology and information society of the new industries will play more and more important role in the future of production and social development. With the world industrial automation fast developing, industrial robot industry began the rapid and steady growth from final 30 year in the past century. The widespread application of industrial robots not only improve the quality of the products also reduced the cost of production and will promote the development of socity. The use of packaging industry robot:mainly for large and bulky articles about, loading and unloading, and yards;The body can not touch of the packing of products, such as foodstuffs, medicines, especially of biologics for preparation and microbial ;And of the packing materials harmful chemicals. As robotics and industrialization of the implementation of the project in the field, robot more and more extensive the scope of application. there are mainly : (1) Accumulate to house vanning:Carry on several pack pieces at a time a vanning. (2) The powder anticipates the bagging of big bag :It is a time of to anticipate powder to pack into particular soft bag , complete the pile of particular location code at the same time. (3) Is top speed of pack a box of vann



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