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毕 业 设 计(论文) 题 目: 家庭防盗系统的设计与仿 真 教 学 院: 电气与电子信息工程学院 专业名称: 电气工程及其自动化 学 号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 年 月 日 摘要 现如今,大规模的集成电路发展迅猛,同样通信技术,单片机同样步入了一个快速发展时代,随着人们安保意识的增强,能够利用单片机单片机来自动报警,而且是一种发展趋势。它有很多优点,比如体积小、安装方便、功能较齐全,市场上的家用报警器都有很多不足之处,研制出新型的家用智能报警器势在必行,完善报警器的功能,具有实际意义,这对于我们的现实生活,具有很大的参考价值。 本文在市面上家庭报警器基础之上,在系统中通过固定电话线向小区物业联系,系统功能划分为三个部分:主模块、警情采集模块。 本文对以上三个部分的软硬件设计作了详细的阐述,详细介绍了核心芯片的选择,外围电路的连接,芯片与芯片间的连接电路,程序设计方法和相应的软件,并给出了关键软件的程序源代码。 根据项目的要求研制了一款家庭报警器,满足用户要求。本文在最后指出了家庭报警器的发展方向。 关键词:单片机,报警器,双音多频, Aabstract With the dramatic development of very large-scale integrated circuit, the telecommunication technology and micro-control unit and the improvement of peoples awareness of security it is possible to set alarm automatically by micro-controller and other chips, which becomes a kind of trend. Because it is small and convenient to install and the ratio of performance and cost is high, it will have a bright future. .?It has many advantages.?such as small volume,?convenient installation,?complete function,?home alarm?on the market?has many deficiencies,developed a?new?household intelligent alarm?sound?alarm?function,?be imperative,?has the practical significance,?this?to our?real Life,has great reference value. In this paper,based on the market?in?home alarm,?through the telephone?lineconnection?to the?residential property?in the system,?the system function is divided into three parts:main module,alarm acquisition module. This paper gives the detail?design of the hardware and software of?the above three parts,?introduces?the choice of the core chip,?the external circuit connection,?connection circuit?between chip and chip,?the design method and the?corresponding software,?and gives the key software source code. According to the requirements of the project?has developed a?home alarm,?to meet user requirements.?At last the paper points


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