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本 科 毕 业 设 计 (论 文) 嵌入式粮情检测系统的设计 Design of Embedded Test System for Grain Situation 学 院: 专业班级: 学生姓名: 学 号: 指导教师: 毕业设计中文摘要 嵌入式粮情检测系统的设计 摘 要:粮食是我国之根本,较于其他国家我国属于粮食生产大国,生产的大量粮食需要集中储存。在储存的过程中,我们要怎样分辨、检测从而操控粮食的存储环境,让粮食的存储环境一直保持在合适的温湿度环境下,是粮食存储过程的重中之重。所以设计一个粮情的检测系统是尤为重要的。 此次设计的目的是利用以掌握的知识,设计一个合理有效的粮情检测系统。此次设计采用单片机进行一个温湿度的检测和外部设备的与控制,并能通过显示屏生动形象的显示出温湿度和时间。本次设计采用温湿一体的传感器SHT11,此传感器自带A/D转换器,由单片机进行处理和控制,还包括的实时时钟显示电路模块、声光报警模块电路、电源模块电路模块及机械通风控制模块电路等设计。本文介绍了AT89C51的温湿度检测和控制系统和显示系统的设计,介绍了元器件结构的介绍和软件的介绍,涉及到相关软件的运用与设计重点,设计的流程图、程序设计。系统主要偏向于简单、实用、准确、效率的设计理念。 关键词:粮情检测;单片机;; 毕业设计外文摘要 Design of embedded test system for grain situation Abstract: The food is the root of our country, our country than in other countries belonging to major grain-producing countries need to focus on the production of large quantities of food storage. In the storage process, how do we distinguish between the detection and thus manipulate grain storage environment for grain storage environment has been maintained at the appropriate temperature and humidity environment, food stored procedure is a top priority. Grain so design a detection system is particularly important. The purpose of this design is the use of knowledge in order to design a reasonable and effective Grain detection system. The design uses a microcontroller and external temperature and humidity testing and control equipment, and through vivid display shows temperature and humidity and time. The design uses integrated temperature and humidity sensor SHT11, this sensor comes with A / D converter, the microcontroller for processing and control, but also includes real-time clock display circuit module, sound and light alarm circuit module, power module circuit module and mechanical ventilation control module circuit design. This article describes the AT89C51 temperature and humidity monitoring and control system and the display system design, describes the structure of presentation components and software d


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