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搬运机械手远程监控的实现 摘  要 搬运机械手是能模仿人和臂的某些动作功能,用以固定程序抓取、搬运物件或操作工具的自动操作装置。在工业生产中应用的机械手被称为工业机械手,它可代替人的繁重劳动以实现生产的机械化和自动化。随着工业自动化的普及和发展,控制器的需求量逐年增大,搬运机械手的应用也逐渐普及,主要在汽车,电子,机械加工、食品、医药等领域的生产流水线或货物装卸调运, 可以更好地节约能源和提高运输设备或产品的效率,以降低其他搬运方式的限制和不足,满足现代经济发展的要求。 本机械手的机械结构主要包括由两个步进电机来实现机械手的上升下降运动;利用PLC程序控制可以实现机械手的控制要求,通过梯形图程序使各动作电磁阀动作,实现机械手的夹紧与放松,配合各极限位置的限位开关,准确而又循环的连续操作。系统以液压传动为驱动方式,避免使用三相异步电动机,具有防过载的优点。机械手、PLC、液压系统组成的整体具有高效、安全、经济、实用等特点。其动作过程包括:上移、下移、左移、右移、夹紧、放松;其操作方式包括:回原位、手动、单步、单周期、连续等,来满足生产中的各种操作要求。 关键词:搬运机械手;可编程控制器(PLC);步进电机;电磁阀 The Realization of the Handling Robot Remote Monitoring ABSTRACT Manipulator is to imitate some movements and arm function, with automatic operating device is fixed procedures crawling, handling objects or operating tool. The manipulator used in the industrial production is called industrial manipulator, it can replace human labor in order to realize the mechanization and automation of production. With the development and popularization of industrial automation, control demand increased year by year, carrying manipulator application also gradually popular, mainly in the automotive,electronics, machinery manufacturing, food, medicine and other fields of production lines or cargo transport, can be better to save energy and improve the efficiency of transport equipment or products, in order to reduce other handling the limitation and inadequacy, meet the needs of modern economic development. The mechanical structure of the manipulator is mainly composed of two step motor to realize the rise of manipulator motion; use PLC program control can realize the control of the manipulator, the movement of each action solenoid valve through the ladder diagram program, realize clamping manipulator and relax, limit switch with the limit position, continuous operation accurate and circulation. System with hydraulic drive mode, avoiding the use of three-phase asynchronous motor, has the advantages of preventing overload. Manipulator, PLC, hydraulic system consists of an integrate


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