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毕业设计 题 目 摘 要 轴承的精确度、运动性能和使用寿命, 在很大的程度上都是取决于其中钢球的质量的, 所以在钢球的生产中对成品钢球的表面缺陷进行检测是十分重要的。目前, 国内各轴承企业以及钢球厂家对于钢球表面质量的检测大多采用传统的人工目视的方法,这种方法容易受到检测工人的技术水平、责任心、劳累程度等不稳定因素的影响, 而且其误检和漏检率高, 同时自动化程度又低。国产钢球的表面质量检测技术与国外同级别的相比存在着较大的差距,造成这种差距的原因之一就是钢球表面质量检测技术的落后。随着轴承行业对钢球表面质量要求的不断提高,开发一种价格适宜,速度及效率高的钢球表面质量自动检测装置就变得非常重要。 本文中提出的基于光纤传感技术的钢球表面缺陷检测研究是以钢球表面缺陷为研究对象,研究钢球表面缺陷的自动检测技术,目的就是为了解决我国在钢球表面质量检测方面自动化程度低,效率低的状况,开发出具有自己独立知识产权的钢球外观检测仪。 分析钢球检测系统的工作流程,钢球展开机构的实现方法,经纬展开运动轨迹的分析,展开轮的机构及工作原理。 基于调制技术和锁相放大技术,分析并设计了钢球表面缺陷信号处理系统,包括激光激励驱动电路、窄带滤波电路、相敏检波电路、移相电路、除法运算电路;采用的是C8051F020单片机用来进行信号采集及处理,包括其电源电路、外部晶振电路、复位电路、串口通讯、JTAG接口电路、键盘及显示。 关键词:钢球;表面缺陷;系统设计;展开机构 ABSTRACT To a large extent,the accuracy, sports performance and service life of bearing, which depend on the quality of the ball in bearings. Therefore,detecting the surface defects of the finished ball is really important in the production of steel balls.Currently, for testing the surface quality of the ball,domestic enterprises and ball bearing manufacturers who almost used traditional methods of artificial visual ,in which way is easily affected by the level of detection technology workers, responsibility, fatigue degree of instability, and its high rate of false positives and missed, the low degree of automation.Compared the detection technology of surface quality of ball with foreign countries,there is a big gap made in China, causing one of the reasons for this disparity is that the detection technology of surface quality of ball behind.With the continuously requirements of improving the surface quality of the ball in bearing industry ,which becomes very important is developing an affordable, high speed and efficiency, automatic detection device of surface quality of the ball. Ball surface defect detection based on optical fiber sensing technology research presented in this paper is based on the ball surface defects as the resear


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