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第 19 卷第 4 期 西 安 体 育 学 院 学 报         Vol19  No4 2002 年 10 月 JOURNAL OF XI′AN INSTITUTE OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION         Oct 2002 ( ) 文章编号 :1001747 Ⅹ2002 有氧训练及大强度疲劳训练对 ① 小鼠学习、记忆能力的影响 孙国欣 , 田振军 ( 陕西师范大学 体育学院 , 陕西 西安 710062) 摘  要 : 探讨有氧训练和大强度疲劳训练对小鼠学习记忆能力的影响 。采用游泳耐力训练方式 , 建立小鼠有氧运 动和疲劳运动模型 , 通过 Morris 水迷宫法记录不同小鼠学习记忆能力 。结果表明 , 大强度疲劳训练小鼠学习成绩 明显低于有氧训练组和对照组 , 有氧训练组小鼠记忆成绩好于对照组和大强度疲劳组 。结论  大强度疲劳训练影 响空间认知能力和学习成绩 , 有氧训练促进记忆能力 。 关键词 : 学习; 记忆 ; Morris 水迷宫 ; 图认知 中图分类号 : G8042      文献标识码 : A Effects of Aerobic Training and High Intensive Fatigue Training on Learning and Memory in Mice SUN Guo - xin , TIAN Zhen - j un (College of Physical Education , Shaanxi Normal University , Xi ′fan 710062 China) Abstract : The research was to discuss the effects of aerobic training and high intensive fatigue training on learning and memory in miceThe experiment was to build the model of aerobic training and high intensive fatigue training by swimming in mice , the ability of leaming and memory was recorded through morris water mazeThe achievement of learning of high intensive fatigue training group was obviously worse than the group of aerobic training and the control group The aerobic training group was better than the high in tensive fatigue training group and the control group in memoryThe high intensive training could effet the spatial cognition and the leaming achievement , the aerobic training could improve the memory ability Key words : learning ; memory ; Morris water maze ; cog


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