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中 文 摘 要 本次毕业设计的题目是旋风式外铣削头设计。设计的铣刀主要用于螺杆外螺纹的铣削。 目前对螺杆常用的加工方法主要采用车削和磨削。车削加工精度差,磨削加工虽然加工精度较高,但对于大导程或长度较长的螺杆来说,由于磨削被加工面是砂轮旋转轴线相对螺杆轴线偏转相应的螺旋角,螺杆达到一定的长度,砂轮接杆就会碰到被加工工件。因此,螺杆的可加工长度受螺杆螺旋升角的限制,同样即使螺旋升角不大,当螺杆长度达到一定值时,对其的磨削加工也无法完成。 显然,用传统的加工方法显然会比较困难。所以我们采用旋风铣削的加工方法。旋风铣削的加工方法则很好地解决了用传统加工方法难以加工的螺杆问题,它可以消除刀具切削对螺槽外形的影响,大大提高被加工螺杆的精度,并且加工效率高。 随着旋风铣削机床在机械制造业中的成功应用和推广,德国Leistrite公司近年来又推出了高速硬体内螺纹旋风铣削机床,一改传统的加工原理,刀杆不用偏转,而是与螺母轴线平行,且使成形刀切削面与螺纹的法向截面重合,铣削出的螺纹滚道截型与成形刀具的截型一致。为了提高数控加工的效率,目前国外许多飞机厂和发动机厂已采用高速切削加工来制造航空零部件我们所指高速加工是高速主轴、高速进给和先进的控制软件。目前,国外在高速切削加工方面除了进行工艺研究外,还着重开展了研制、发展和提供能够适应于高速切削加工用的高质量、高性能、高可靠性的加工设备和装置。与高速切削加工设备和装置相关的新技术包括:机床结构改进、主轴结构改进、坐标轴驱动技术、导轨设计、刀具材料研究、刀具夹持装置、冷却处理技术、精密位置测量技术、排屑技术以及能适应于高速切削加工设备控制的CNC控制系统及软件等。 Abstract The Graduation is outside the cam tornado the shaping lathe design. This topic main processing object for plastic transportation screw rod. At present mainly uses the turning and the grinding to the screw rod commonly used processing method. The lathe work precision is bad, although the abrasive machining the working accuracy is high, but regarding led greatly or the length long screw rod, because the grinding by the machined surface was the grinding wheel centerline relative screw rod spool thread deflection corresponding angle of spiral, the screw rod will achieve certain length, the grinding wheel link will bump into is processed the work piece. Therefore, the screw rod may process the length the screw rod lead angle limit, even if similarly the lead angle is not big, when the screw rod length achieves certain value, is also unable to its abrasive machining to complete. Obviously, will be quite obviously difficult with the traditional processing method. Therefore we use the tornado milling the processing method. Outside the tornado the milling processing method well has solved the screw rod problem which processes with difficulty with the tradition processing method, it may eliminate the cutting tool cutting to the spiral flute contour influe


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