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武警某部新兵心理健康状况调查分析与教育对策 【摘要】目的调查分析经心理筛查入伍新兵的个性特征和心理健康状况,为今后部队开展针对性的心理卫生工作提供资料。方法采用SCL-90和EPQ问卷,对2010年武警某部集训期862名新兵施测,所得结果与常模对照。结果新兵SCL-90各因子均显著高于地方常模(P0.01),与军人常模比较强迫、焦虑因子偏高(P0.01, P0.05),而抑郁偏低(P0.05),其他因子无显著差别;不同来源、文化程度新兵的SCL-90各因子存在不同程度差异,是否独生子女对躯体化和偏执2个因子得分有影响(P0.01,P0.05)。新兵EPQ与军人常模相比, E分较高,N分较低,P分较低(P0.01);L分差异无显著性(P0.05)。结论心理筛查后新兵多具有情绪稳定、开朗、乐观,对军队有主动性趋于认同的个性特征;不同来源及是否独生子女新兵个性有差别,但趋向积极健康发展;其心理健康状况良好,但也反映出人际敏感、敌对、偏执等仍是对心理健康造成影响的潜在重要因素。 【关键词】 新兵;心理筛查;个性;心理健康[中图分类号] R195 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 17267587(2010)12073705 Analysis and education strategy on mental health for the new recruit in the Chinese Peoples Armed Police Forces LIU Qun-ying,HUANG Jun-hua,SU Yan,et al.Department of Psychology Consultation, Yunnan General Hospital of the Chinese Peoples Armed Police Forces, Kunming 650111, China [Abstract] Objective To analyze personality characteristics and mental health conditions for new recruit who were psychological screened before entering the army in order to provide information and carry out of targeted mental work.Methods Using SCL-90 and the EPQ questionnaire, 862 new recruit were measured in a certain army of the Chinese Peoples Armed Police Forces for training period. Those measuring results compared the Norm group.Results The SCL-90 each factors in new recruit group were higher than that of the Norm group(P0.01). The forcing factor and anxiety factor in new recruit group were higher than that of the Norm group(P0.01, P0.05). However,depression factor in new recruit group was lower than that of the Norm group(P0.05). The other factors were not significant difference between two groups(P0.05). There were significant differences for the new recruit groups about different sources and levels of education. There were significant difference about somatization and paranoid between only child and non-child(P0.01,P0.05). The E score, the N score, the P score and the L score in EPQ for new recruit group were higher(P0.01), lower(P0.01), lower(P0.01) and similar(P0.05) t


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