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沈阳市孕产妇保健服务状况的调查分析 【摘要】目的 了解沈阳市孕产妇保健服务状况,为改善孕产妇保健工作,提供参考依据。方法 采取分层定额随机抽样的方法,对沈阳市产后42 d到产后半年的产妇710名的一般情况、围产期保健情况进行问卷调查。结果 建立孕产妇保健手册率城市、郊区都为100%,农村为62.8%,孕早期建册率城市92.1%、郊区74.5%、农村55.2%;产前检查次数达标率城市98.7%,郊区63.2%,农村55.7%,农村还有17人(7.1%)没有做过产前检查;产前检查医院以区级及以下医院为主,其比例城市为52.5%、郊区99.1%、农村93.3%;分娩方式以剖宫产为主的是城市,其比例是77.9%,农村所占比例最小是27.6%;产后访视次数达标率农村最低;对孕产妇保健的知晓率农村最低;对产前检查和产后访视需求的很好满足度比例不是很高。结论 城市剖宫产率高;农村孕早期建册率、产前检查次数达标率低。建议有针对性的对孕产妇进行健康教育。 【关键词】 孕妇; 产妇卫生保健服务; 健康教育Study on the situation of pregnant and puerperal women health care in Shenyang WANG Xiaobo1, GENG Wei1, DONG Xiu1, XU Wei2, WU Wenshuo2, ZHENG Yajun2. 1.Department of Epidemiology, Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shenyang 110032, China; 2.Department of Primary Sanitation and Womenchildren Health Care, Shenyang Board of Health, Shenyang 110001, China 【Abstract】 Objective To learn about the situation of pregnant and puerperal women health care in Shenyang so as to improve the quality of the perinatal care service. Methods On the basis of questionnaire, 710 puerperal women were analyzed. Results The percentage of owning Maternal Health Handbook which should be issued as routine at registration for first antenatal checkup was 100% in urban and suburban areas, and 62.8% in rural areas. The percentage of early registration was 92.1% in urban areas, 74.5% in suburban areas, and 55.2% in rural areas. 98.7% pregnant women in urban areas and 63.2% in suburban areas received more than 8 times of prenatal visits. 55.7% in rural areas received more than 5 times. There were 17 puerperal women (7.1%) without antenatal visits in rural areas. The hospitals of prenatal care were mainly the ones of first level. The rate of cesarean section was 77.9% in urban areas and 27.6% in rural areas. The percentage of postpartum visit times (ge;4) was minimum in rural areas, namely 64%. Pregnant and puerperal women in rural areas were deficient in the knowledge of perinatal care. The rates that 710 puerperal women felt satisfied



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