
汉宋楚辞分析的历史转型——《章句》、《补注》、《集注》比较分析-the historical transformation of the analysis of han, song and chu ci - a comparative analysis of zhangju, buzhu and ji zhu.docx

汉宋楚辞分析的历史转型——《章句》、《补注》、《集注》比较分析-the historical transformation of the analysis of han, song and chu ci - a comparative analysis of zhangju, buzhu and ji zhu.docx

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汉宋楚辞分析的历史转型——《章句》、《补注》、《集注》比较分析-the historical transformation of the analysis of han, song and chu ci - a comparative analysis of zhangju, buzhu and ji zhu

AbstractAbstractThe dissertation studied the historical Transform of the songs of the south research From Western Han to Southern Song Dynasty, through the analysis of comparison on Chu Ci ZhangJu (The songs of the south Annotated by Wang Yi)、Chu Ci Bu Zhu (The songs of the southwith Additional Annotations) and Chu Ci Ji Zhu (The songs of the south with collected Annotations by Zhu Xi).The dissertation discussed the theme from five sections, (1) The selection of topic and the establishment of style: the quip and advisement is Wang Yis the standard of selecting the paper, he explained the songs of the south adopting the improved the sentences and texts of classics annotating; Hong Xingzu innovated the complementary note then explain theWangs particularly; Zhu xis principle of making choice was emotional connotation、annotation of Righteousness (yi) or Principle (li) and artistic form, added Bian Zheng (discrimination of the songs of the south )for enhancing comment gain and loss, reveal the hierarchical structure with the explanatory note. (2) Concrete text explanatory note including several parts, remark on the different edition, pronunciation translation, words explaining, dialect interpreting and literature quoting. Wang yi exhibited that he paid attention to Exegetics of appellations and objects. His explanation inclined to the concrete characteristic; Hong Xingzu displayed that he regarded the detail from referenced citation. He didnt care about the tedious interpretation. (3) Elucidation to Qu Yuans thought: Wang Yi figured Qu Yuans perfect image of loyal and righteous virtuous official, used the principle of Confucian classics; Hong Xingzu emphasize Qu Yuans loyal and moral verve, because he was impressed by the times spirit, and he introduced the patriotic evaluation criterion; From basically ideals of confusion classics, Zhu Xi not only wrote off Qu Yuan’s mutinous spirit and personal independence with strengthening loyalty and desalinating disconte



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