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汉语更类副词的历时考察研究-a diachronic study of chinese adverbs of more kind
摘要在现代汉语中,“更”一般用作比较,表示程度上又深了一层或数量上进一步增加或减少。汉语中与它用法相当的还有“愈”、“益”、史时期的“更”类副词的使用情况,通过描写每个副词的产生和发展,探究了它的生成机制,并初步解释了它发展演变的原因。全文主体内容包括三部分:第一部分“更”类副词的产生和演变 该部分较为详细地考察了汉语各个历史时期“更”类副词的使用情况。通过描写新词的产生、旧词的消亡,在统计它们的使用频研究的论文较多,从语法学的角度研究《醒世》处于薄弱 环节。。其实,《醒世》中不仅使用了大率并分析其组合关系和聚合关系的基双并:普蓉鎏。弧2引甄剐名量方言词、歇后语等特殊词汇,也 出现了不少独特的语法现象,实在值奠鹜矍喾翟j得研究。在下面的文章里,我们将对《醒世》中动词重叠的格式、特点、 墓型涠g。塑。膏蓼嚣萋笋塞誉剽语法意义、句法功能进行详细描写 ,争取做出解释,并揭示各类重叠格E式特别是一些特殊格式的大致来源 与发展演变状况,为动词重叠这一热点问题的研究提供自己的绵薄之力 。本文所有例句中的黑体部分均指动 词重叠及其连带成分@,加着重号 的地方为动词重叠式。所用的符号 :“A”代表单音节动词,“AB”代表 双音节动词(A、B分别代表动词 的两个音节),“0”指代宾语,“P”指ABSTRACTThe adverbgeng(!l!)is often used as the comparative in modernChinese,whichmeans further,higherindegree.Besides飞:eng(更),也仅巳 M巳 yu. .1.1 (愈),yi 气益),jia 气加)and -gengjia NC妥了二加),巳 tc. in Chinese Ianguage ,which are call巳d the kind of adverbsgeng (男 in this article. Manyscholarshave studiedthem,butnone of them ever studiedthose adverbsas a specialtopic. By describing theoriginationandevolutionofthekindofadverbsgeng( 更)respectively ,thisarticlehasinvestigatedintotheusagesofthemfrom the pointofviewofth巳 historyofChinese languageinanall-aroundway,and probedinto the gènerativemechanismofthClTIandexplainedwhytheyhave evolvedin sucha way.The fulltextinclud 巳sthr 巳e parts as fol1ows:The first part expounds the origination and evolution of the kind of adverbs geng(!l!).The part relatively describes th巳 usages of them of the history of Chinese language in detail and points out the evolution of the core words of them based on counting their freqliency of utilization and analyzing their relationship of collocation and congregation through representing the appearance of n巳wborn words and the disappearance o( old words.The second part discusses the generative mechanism of the kind of adverbs ge咚( 哥二 Appling the general linguistics theory,it indicates that monosyllabic words of the kind of adverbs Ugeng JJ (!l!.) as adverbialmodifierare grammaticalizedon the basisoftheir .substantive meaning change飞 whiledisyllabicwordsdevelop
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