
汉语结果补语与泰语对应形式的对比分析-a comparative analysis of the corresponding forms of chinese resultative complements and thai.docx

汉语结果补语与泰语对应形式的对比分析-a comparative analysis of the corresponding forms of chinese resultative complements and thai.docx

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汉语结果补语与泰语对应形式的对比分析-a comparative analysis of the corresponding forms of chinese resultative complements and thai

AbstractA Comparative Study of Chinese Resultative Complement and Its Thai EquivalentsTheerawat Theerapojjanee (Linguistics and Applied Linguistics) Directed by Li XiaoqiThis research aims to find the effective reference for the teaching of Chinese resultative complement to Thai learners. For this purpose, there are three steps employed in this study: 1) finding the resultative component in Thai grammar system;comparing the resultative component between Chinese and Thai in three perspectives--property, structure, and collocation; 3) suggesting the solution for the current usage problem of Chinese resultative complement to Thai learners. The study has been divided into three major tasks. Task 1: reviewing and analyzing academic materials about Thai grammar such as monographs, theses, and articles (Chapter 4). Task 2: comparing the sentence patterns in Chinese and Thai based on Chang (2001)s five types of resultative verb construction (RVC) (Chapter 5), and comparing the word collocation in Chinese and Thai in the scope of resultative verbs and adjectives in Zhou Fang (2006)s research. The compared results are shown in three ways--similar type, near-similar type, and different type. Task 3: concluding all the findings of this study to analyze the usage error of resultative complement existing today, and suggesting the solution in the teaching of Chinese resultative complement to Thai learners (Chapter 7).There are three findings of this study, which are in the property, structure, and collocation of Chinese resultative complement and its Thai equivalents. These findings are:The Thai equivalents of Chinese resultative complement are nonmarker form of serial verb construction and marker form of compound sentence;The Chinese resultative complement can use the “radical construction,” a construction based on event structure and was proposed by this thesis, as the Thai equivalent sentence of all Chinese resultative complement sentences;As the scope of 28 high-frequency



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