
汉语句末助词“吧”的句法语义分析-syntactic and semantic analysis of chinese sentence final particle.docx

汉语句末助词“吧”的句法语义分析-syntactic and semantic analysis of chinese sentence final particle.docx

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汉语句末助词“吧”的句法语义分析-syntactic and semantic analysis of chinese sentence final particle

摘要本文以语义语法理论为基础,以现代汉语多功能句末助词“吧”为研究对象,借助北 京大学中国语言学研究中心的 CCL 网络版语料库,在对前人研究进行归纳综述的基础上, 依次着力研究句末助词“吧”的单句分布规律及其语义功能、复句分布规律及其语义关系、 话语功能及其句法地位,并据此提取出句末助词“吧”的语义分布地图。第一章主要对前人的相关研究成果分流派进行评述,并指明本论文研究的主要问题。 第二章以单句为基本单位考察“吧”的分布规律及其语义功能,提取出“吧”的核心语义 为“不确定”并据此建构语义分布地图。第三章以复句为基本单位考察“吧”字句与前后 句的语义关系,根据“吧”的“不确定”义探讨并解释“吧”字句在不同使用环境中的分 布规律。第四章基于“吧”字句的“不确定”语法意义,从正反两方面说明“吧”字句的 话语功能分布及在引发和应答句中选择性。第五章从形式验证角度借助于副词、高谓语、 人称、句型及其他句末助词的同现关系来解构“吧”的句法地位,并通过核心语法意义“不 确定”给予解释。最后提出“吧”是一个跨句类、跨句型的多功能句末助词,同时指出创 新点以及尚待解决的问题,希望能够推进句末助词研究朝着精细化与科学化的方向发展。关键词:不确定;语义地图;语义关系;话语功能;句法地位;IAbstractThe purpose of this thesis is to analyze the typical modern Chinese sentence-final particle “ba” based on the theory of semantic grammar. By means of the corpus of Center for Chinese Linguistics PUK, the author summarizes previous studies, and try to deeply analyze the particle’s simple sentence distribution rules and semantic meanings, it’s complex sentence distribution rules and semantic relations, and it’s pragmatic functions and syntactic statuses. According to the above, this thesis will builds and verifies the semantic map of “ba”.Chapter One mainly summarizes and comments correlational studies of different grammar factions and points out main purposes of this thesis. Chapter Two focuses on simple sentences, try to get the distribution rules and semantic meanings of “ba”, then extract the central semantic meaning, that is to say “uncertainty”, and build a semantic map. Chapter Three focuses on complex sentences, aiming at inspecting the semantic relations between sentence with “ba” and previous or next ones, than discussing and explaining the distribution rules of sentences with “ba” in different complex sentence types according to “uncertainty”. Chapter Four, based on the “uncertainty” meaning of sentence with “ba”, generalizes it’s pragmatic functions and selectivities to reply or elicit from positive and negative aspects. Chapter Five resolves the syntactic statuses of “ba”, which can also be explained by “uncertaint



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