
汉语控制结构的生成语法分析-generative grammar analysis of chinese control structure.docx

汉语控制结构的生成语法分析-generative grammar analysis of chinese control structure.docx

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汉语控制结构的生成语法分析-generative grammar analysis of chinese control structure

assumption whose main idea is that when to be allowed is able to be inserted into the sentence, overt or covert, without destroying the grammaticality and meaning of the sentence, promise-type verbs will express commitment-to-permission and persuade-type verbs, request-for-permission, in the meantime, the non-finite clauses following promise-type verbs and persuade-type verbs are considered to be complement and adjunct respectively. The combination of attraction theory and Pseudo-adjunct assumption successfully explain these two cases.The Control construction is very common in Chinese as well, but it is less explored, so the main focus of this thesis is on the explanation of the generative process of Chinese Control through the attraction theory and Pseudo-adjunct assumption.This thesis adopts Li’s (2009) statement that Chinese has the distinction between finiteness and non-finiteness, which is an important premise for the analysis, and Chinese Control construction is reflected in four constructions, namely, the pivotal construction, the serial verb construction, the verbal complement construction and the verbal subject construction.After the analysis, the conclusions are roughly shown as follows: Firstly, PRO is not necessary in Chinese Control construction.Secondly, the generative mechanism of normal Chinese Control can be explained by Manzini and Roussou’s attraction theory: 1) the pivotal construction belongs to Object Control; 2) the serial verb construction usually has the Subject Control reading, but if the embedded non-finite clause expresses purpose, the sentence will have a Non-obligatory reading; 3) the verbal complement construction usually has a Subject Control reading, but sometimes, they are analyzed as Object Control by referring to Chinese paratactic feature andthe ellipsis notion defined by Lǚ (吕叔湘, 1979). In addition, if the embedded clauses arefinite, even though the sentences take on the characteristics of verbal complementIIconstruct



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