
航道植被护坡土工试验及岸坡稳定性数值研究-geotechnical test of channel vegetation slope protection and numerical study of bank slope stability.docx

航道植被护坡土工试验及岸坡稳定性数值研究-geotechnical test of channel vegetation slope protection and numerical study of bank slope stability.docx

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航道植被护坡土工试验及岸坡稳定性数值研究-geotechnical test of channel vegetation slope protection and numerical study of bank slope stability

quantitatively analyzed and the variation rule of strength value of disturbed roots-reinforced soil was obtained. With the increasing root content, cohesion force value of disturbed roots-reinforced increases until the root content reaching the optimum value, and then it will reduce gradually.The triaxial seepage shear tests on disturbed roots-reinforced soil and disturbed plain soil samples were performed by using the SLB-1 type triaxial apparatus. According to the test results, strength value of disturbed roots-reinforced soil and disturbed plain soil decreased with rising seepage pressure. The strength decrease amplitude of disturbed roots-reinforced soil was lower than that of disturbed plain soil and the increasing confining pressure can help to slow the strength decline. The test results also indicated that permeability coefficient of disturbed roots-reinforced soil was higher than that of disturbed plain soil at low confining pressure (20 kpa), while permeability coefficient of disturbed plain soil was greater than that of disturbed roots-reinforced soil at high confining pressure (27 kpa, 35 kpa).With the application of axis parallel translation technique, the matric suction characteristic tests on unsaturated clay were undertaken by using the SLB-1 type triaxial apparatus and pneumatic control device. The soil-water characteristic curve(The corresponding relation curve of matrix suction and moisture content)of soil inconstruction site was obtained, and data points of the curve can be used as underlying parameters for the numerical model of the analysis of bank slope stability.The finite element software ABAQUS was developed. Through programming the user subroutine DISP (ABAQUS user-defined boundary condition subroutine) and DLOAD (ABAQUS user-defined load subroutine), an effective simulation of the declining process of water level on the bank slope upstream face had been achieved. Based on the numerical model, the bank slope stability was calculated respect



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