
耗散srlw方程的守恒型有限差分方法分析-analysis of conservative finite difference method for dissipative srlw equation.docx

耗散srlw方程的守恒型有限差分方法分析-analysis of conservative finite difference method for dissipative srlw equation.docx

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耗散srlw方程的守恒型有限差分方法分析-analysis of conservative finite difference method for dissipative srlw equation

摘要在研究弱非线性离子声波和空间带电波的传播时,由于要克服传播介质的阻力、与 空气之间的摩擦力等原因,必须考虑耗散原理,所以带有耗散项的对称正则长波方程是 反映非线性离子声波运动本质现象的合理模型。本文对耗散对称正则长波方程的初边值 问题进行了数值方法研究,首先利用 LAX 格式的离散思想,在保持二阶理论精度的情况 下,在空间层引入加权系数,分别提出了一个两层非线性空间加权差分格式和一个三层 线性空间加权差分格式,然后在时间层引入加权系数,又提出了一个三层线性时间加权 差分格式。这三个格式都很好地模拟了问题本身的两个守恒量,并分别给出了这三个加 权格式的解的先验估计和可解性,并用离散泛函分析方法分析了格式的二阶收敛性与无 条件稳定性。数值算例表明,通过适当地调整加权系数,从而使计算结果具有更高的精 度。关键词:耗散对称正则长波方程;差分格式;守恒;收敛性;稳定性;数值实验AbstractOn the research of the spread of the weakly nonlinear ion acoustic wave and the space with waves, the principle of dissipation must be taken into consideration for the resistance of propagation medium and the friction between the air need to be overcame. Therefore, the generalized symmetric regularized long wave equation with dissipation term is the rational model to reflect the essence of the phenomenon of nonlinear ion acoustic wave motion. In this paper,a finite difference method is proposed for the initial value problems of dissipative symmetric regularized long wave equation was presented. Under the premise of keeping the second-order accuracy, a conservative implicit unfinite difference of two levels with weight coefficient and an energy conservative implicit weighted finite difference ofthree levels on the space were proposed by LAX scheme,and then an energy conservativethree levels finite difference with weight coefficient on the time was proposed.Those scheme simulates two conservation properties of the problem well.Error estimates based on energy methods are derived.Existence and uniqueness of numerical solutions were derived,It is proved that the finite difference scheme is convergent in order O(??2 ??h2 ) and stable.The results attained form numerical experiments show that the method is reliable and efficient.Key Words: Dissipative SymmetricRegularized Long Wave Equation;Finite Difference Scheme;Convergence;Stability;Numerical ExperimentsII目录摘要IAbstract II目录 III第一章绪论 11.1研究背景及意义 11.2常用记号和引理 3第二章两层非线性守恒空间加权差分格式 52.1差分格式的守恒律和先验估计 52.2差分格式的收敛性与稳定性 82.3数值实验 10第



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