
红石庄园景观设计中地域性因素表现-performance of regional factors in landscape design of hongshi manor.docx

红石庄园景观设计中地域性因素表现-performance of regional factors in landscape design of hongshi manor.docx

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红石庄园景观设计中地域性因素表现-performance of regional factors in landscape design of hongshi manor

摘要随着科学技术手段的进步、新型景观材料的研发、丰富的树种培育,景观设计呈 现出异彩纷呈的局面。也由于培育技术的进步,植物生长突破了地域的限制,交通的 便捷使得景观材料在各地的普遍应用,同时使各地景观呈现出了一定的趋同性。从而 使景观地域性的研究越来越受到大众的关注和学者的研究,地域性理念也逐渐成为景 观设计中普遍认可的一个观点。由此,本文首先阐述了本案的设计理念和景观设计中 的基本元素以及有关地域性景观的营造方法;其次从自然元素和人文元素两方面分析 了提取了安阳本土的景观元素;最后以本土元素结合现代的施工材料,融合设计理念, 设计了体现安阳特定区域特定时间特征的生态庄园。通过本课题的研究,说明景观设 计不单是一个方案、一份图纸的细化,而是包含建筑、园林、环艺、市政等学科的综 合研究,地域性景观更是一种本土文化的体现。关键词:景观设计地域性景观本土元素AbstractWith the development of science and technology, the research of materials in landscape, the cultivation in new species of trees, landscape designing becomes more and more colorful. It is possible for plants to live without the constraint of geography, because of the improvement of the cultivation technology. At the same time, all kinds of landscape materials are widely used as the development of the transportation. Recently, more and more people and scholars pay much attention to the research of those local landscapes. Regional concepts are gradually becoming the basic rules in the design of the landscapes.This paper firstly shows the basic principles and elements in the design of the landscapes based on this case, as well as the methods of construction in local landscapes. Secondly, the natural elements and human elements are also analyzed. In the end, based on the design idea, this case combines the modern materials and the local elements, shows the eco-estate in a certain area, a certain time and a certain characteristic of Anyang.According to this research, I get profound understanding of the landscape design: it is not only a paper-drawing or a single project, but also contain the knowledge of architecture, landscape design, environmental science, and so on. So, the regional landscape is a signal of the culture.Key words: Landscape DesignRegional landscapeLocal elements目录引言................................................................................................................................1 第 1 章 地域性景观的理念来源及其营造方法..........................................................



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