滑坡稳定性变化对隧道变形破坏的影响研究-study on the influence of landslide stability change on tunnel deformation and destruction.docx
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滑坡稳定性变化对隧道变形破坏的影响研究-study on the influence of landslide stability change on tunnel deformation and destruction
摘 要在我国 75%左右的地域为山区或重丘,由于地质环境和交通规划的限制,许多 铁路修建在山体的斜坡内。随着我国社会经济建设的发展,基础建设的投入不断 加大,隧道工程的应用越来越多,而隧道工程和滑坡的稳定性密切相关。由于滑 坡灾害对隧道病害的影响大,频率高,使我国成为世界上隧道受滑坡危害最严重 的国家之一。每年因滑坡灾害造成的损失数以亿记,给国家和人民生命财产带来 巨大损失,产生严重的社会影响,甚至还影响到国家的技术经济政策。本文以滑坡稳定性变化对隧道变形破坏影响分析为出发点,首先通过对滑坡的 调查,开展了室外钻探测量及室内土工试验,分析了滑坡体的结构、滑坡的成因 及可能复活的成因,利用滑坡稳定性计算的结果对其进行了评估;然后在对滑坡 地段隧道变形实例进行调研的基础上,研究了隧道与滑面的相对位置关系及相应 的隧道变形特征,建立三维模型,模拟了隧道穿越滑坡体时,土体的错动引起隧 道变形的破坏情况,并分析了不同工况下对隧道结构变形、受力及破坏模型的影 响。结果表明:滑坡在天然状态下是稳定的,但是在饱水和地震等不利工况下,坡 体有失稳的可能,特别是滑坡前缘的陡坎段发生的可能性大,由此引发牵引式滑 坡。滑坡体的失稳将对滑坡区域内隧道产生偏压作用,根据隧道处于滑坡体内不 同位置时的受力模式,总结出滑坡与隧道变形相互关系的地质力学模型。此外, 还应用 FLAC 3D 软件对穿越滑坡区域的隧道进行数值模拟,将其计算结果与现场 勘查收集的资料进行比较,结果显示隧道结构在滑坡偏压作用下其位移、应力、 应变等变化规律具有一致性。关键词:滑坡、隧道、稳定性变化、地质力学模型、数值模拟AbstractFor around 75% of the region as the mountains or heavy hill in our country ,and due to the geological environment and traffic planning restrictions, many railway was built in the mountain slope.With Chinas socialist economic construction of rapid development ,the investment of infrastructure construction is increasing,so as the tunnel engineering’s more and more application,and tunnel engineering is closely related to the stability of the landslide .Because landslide have great influence on tunnel defect with high frequency, which is made China become one of the countries of with the most serious by landslide hazard tunnel in the world. Every year our country will loss billions of because of landslide disaster which bring the huge loss to the country and peoples life ,it is not only lead to grave social consequences,but also affect the states technical and economic policy.This article started from the change of landslide stability on the impact of tunnel deformation and failure, above all based on the investigation of landslide,carrying outdoor drilling measurement and consolidation test, analysis the structure of the landslide,the cause of the landslide and possible causes of resurrection.The assessment is performed by the landslide stability calculation results , after that bas
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