机械加工设备系统能耗特性及节能技术分析-analysis on energy consumption characteristics and energy saving technology of mechanical processing equipment system.docx
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机械加工设备系统能耗特性及节能技术分析-analysis on energy consumption characteristics and energy saving technology of mechanical processing equipment system
摘要节能减排已经是 21 世纪最热的主题词,被公认为减缓生态环境恶化、应对全 球气候变化最重要的手段之一。针对目前我国经济发展过程中仍然存在的高能耗、 高物耗以及环境排放严重的问题,实行节能及低碳发展模式已成为中国实现可持 续发展的必经之路。而机械加工设备是生产企业的主要耗能环节,分析其能耗特 性并提高其能耗效率,对于实现生产企业节能减排具有重要意义。本论文结合国 家科技支撑计划及国家自然基金等项目,针对机械加工设备系统能耗特性及节能 方法展开研究。首先,在分析世界能源状况和中国实施节能减排的迫切性的基础上,对机械加 工车间系统各可能设备系统的能耗特性进行研究;对机械制造车间各可能涉及的 设备分类研究;基于机械设备负载及驱动特性,建立了设备能量传递函数关系, 并在设备负载、驱动特性及能量传递关系的研究基础上,分析了机床无功补偿、 机床与电机匹配、机床电磁悬浮轴承、机床压缩空气及液压等节能途径。研究各 节能途径,并验证节能途径的可行性及实用性,对某些节能方法进行实际应用以 验证可行性。其次,针对机床设备研究基于生产调度的节能方法,结合机械设备加工系统, 提出了一种基于批量分割及交货期约束的机床节能型优化调度方法,较好地处理 了节能型生产任务安排与生产效率及机床资源利用效率之间的矛盾关系,建立了 相应的数学模型。并结合某真空断路器开关执行机构铸钢零件组数控加工案例, 对基于遗传算法的模型求解及应用过程进行了说明。最后,针对车间机械加工机床研究机床能量回收节能方法。提出了一种机床制 动能量回收实用化方法,该方法以机床断电后其传动件所剩余的动能作为回收能 量源,通过电磁感应方式将动能转换为电能,进而以电能的形式予以回收再用; 提出一种机床空转能量回收理论,并验证机床空转能量回收理论的可行性。关键词:节能减排,机械加工设备系统,能效提升,节能方法,绿色制造ABSTRACTBeing keywords for 21st century, energy conservation and pollution reduction have been considered as one of the most important methods to slow down the pace of Eco-environment deterioration and resolve the problem of climate change. To aim at the problem that there are high energy consumption, high material consumption and serious environmental emission during the process of development, it is urgent for us to adopt energy saving and low carbon emission way. Machine tool equipments are the main energy consumption segment. Analysis the energy consumption property and increasing energy consumption efficiency are of great significance to realize energy saving and low emission for Enterprise. Be supported with national science and technology supporting plan and National Natural Science Foundation, the paper focuses on mechanical machine tool equipment property and its way of energy saving.Firstly, based on the world energy condition and the urgency that china has to put energy saving and emission reduction into practice, it is studied the energy consumption characteristics system equipment for shop floor. It is classified those equipments that belong to shop floor of mechanical manufacturing
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