
基层国库“横向联网”管理系统设计和实现-design and implementation of horizontal networking management system for grass-roots treasury.docx

基层国库“横向联网”管理系统设计和实现-design and implementation of horizontal networking management system for grass-roots treasury.docx

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基层国库“横向联网”管理系统设计和实现-design and implementation of horizontal networking management system for grass-roots treasury

摘要摘要人民银行履行“经理国库”的职责时,必然会和财政、税务、海关、社保局、 国土资源局等单位业务联系。在电脑和网络高度普及以前,这种联系表现为手工传 递纸质资料并据之进行相关的业务处理,多个部门重复录入相关信息,费时、速度 慢、效率低,且资金风险点分散。随着电子信息技术的普及和应用,以电子信息替 代纸质资料进行横向传递和处理成为主流。横向联网是基层人民银行国库履职必须 解决好的问题,横向联网工作历年被列为人民银行国库的重点工作之一。如何做好 横向联网工作,人民银行各级行都在进行有益的探索。论文在分析了横向联网现状及存在问题的基础上,立足于基层国库,以温州中 心支库为例,提出基层国库横向联网管理系统建设的设想,并进行了可行性分析。 为了做好系统建设,对需求进行了详细分析,主要包括业务需求、拓展功能需求、 异常处理需求、适用性需求、安全性需求等方面,确立了系统实现的技术方案,主 要包括 DELPHI、SQL SERVER、MQ 中间件、XML,构造了数据库结构和系统的 结构。设计并实现了系统中各主要功能模块的处理逻辑流程,给出了程序的关键代 码。系统将现有可行的“横向联网”做法予以整合、改进和完善,做到在一个系统 中方便快捷地实现“横向联网”所有的功能;比较全面地涵盖了横向联网各种业务 需求,且注意现有相关系统的不足之处的改进,考虑了业务模式不同、处理手段不 同及未来可能发展的需要,能为人民银行总行开展相关系统建设提供借鉴。该系统 的部分功能如预算收入退库及拨款的 TBS 入库明细生成和同城提出文件生成模块, 已在人民银行温州市中支很好地使用。关键词:横向联网,管理系统,业务处理,XMLABSTRACTThe People’s Bank of China invariably has connections with different governmental organizations ranging from Customs Service to Social Security Department while implementing the management of the state treasury. Before the popularity of computer and the Internet, the connections were mainly manifested by the manual transfer of paper documents and relevant business processing based on it. As a result, many governmental organizations had to repeatedly enter relevant data at the cost of time, speed, efficiency as well as capital risk. With the development of electronic information technology, the commonplace practice today is the horizontal transfer and processing thanks to the replacement of electronic information with paper documents. Listed as one of the top priorities of the state treasury of People’s Bank of China, the horizontal networking is essential to the management of the state treasury of grassroots People’s Banks of China. All levels of People’s Banks of China have been making tentative efforts to improve the horizontal networking system.The thesis, after probing the present situation and existing problems of the horizontal networking, takes the example of the state treasury of Wenzhou Branch of People’s Bank of China, puts forward the proposal of the constr



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