基质金属蛋白酶 3 9在脊柱关节病血清及骶髂关节中的表达-expression of matrix metalloproteinase 39 in serum and sacroiliac joint of spinal arthrosis.docx
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基质金属蛋白酶 3 9在脊柱关节病血清及骶髂关节中的表达-expression of matrix metalloproteinase 39 in serum and sacroiliac joint of spinal arthrosis
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目的 了解脊柱关节病(spondyloarthropathy,SpA)患者血清及骶髂关节组织中基质金属 蛋 白 酶 -3 ( matrix metalloproteinase-3 , MMP-3 ) 及 基 质 金 属 蛋 白 酶 -9 ( matrix metalloproteinase-9,MMP-9)的表达情况,探讨 MMP-3 及 MMP-9 在脊柱关节病发病机制 中的作用。
方法 50例SpA患者(31例双侧CT SIJ 炎≥Ⅱ级,19例CT SIJ炎 0~I 级)均通过酶联免疫 吸附法(ELISA)检测血清MMP-3、MMP-9的浓度及血沉(ESR)、超敏 C-反应蛋白(hs-CRP) 的水平,其中16例(7例双侧CT SIJ炎≥Ⅱ级,9例CT SIJ炎 0~I 级)行CT导引下骶髂关节 穿刺活检术,取得骶髂关节组织,组织标本均行HE染色确认存在骶髂关节炎后,通过免疫 组织化学染色方法,标记MMP-3、MMP-9的表达情况。正常血清对照由10例健康志愿者提 供,正常组织对照取自2例非风湿病患者的外伤手术标本。
结果 SpA患者骶髂关节组织病理证实均存在骶髂关节炎,与正常对照相比,免疫组化染 色结果显示MMP-3、MMP-9均明显高表达,主要表达于血管翳及骨髓炎症细胞的胞浆中, 在软骨细胞中亦有明显表达。SpA患者血清中MMP-3、MMP-9的浓度明显高于正常对照组, 差异有统计学意义。
结论 SpA患者血清、骶髂关节中均存在MMP-3、MMP-9的高表达,提示MMP-3、MMP-9 参与了SpA疾病发生过程,血清MMP-3可能成为判断SpA病情活动的一个有用的生物学标 志物。
关键词 基质金属蛋白酶;脊柱关节病;血清;骶髂关节
Objective To explore the role of matrix metalloproteinase-3(MMP-3) and matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) in spondyloarthropathy (SpA) by investigating their expressions in serum and sacroiliac joint (SIJ) of SpA.
Methods 50 cases with SpA were taken into account, including 31 cases were of ≥ grade Ⅱ
and 19 cases were of grade 0 ~ I CT sacroiliitis. All patients were detected serum MMP-3 concentration and serum MMP-9 concentration and levels of erythrocyte sedimentation rate
(ESR)and hypersensitivity C-reactive protein(hs-CRP). 16 cases in the SpA were performed
on CT guided needle biopsy of SIJ, including 7 cases were of ≥ grade Ⅱ and 9 cases were of grade 0 ~ I CT sacroiliitis. All SIJ tissue sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin to
obtain common pathological data, and immunohistochemical assay
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