激光制备原位生长wbcrb颗粒增强镍基复合涂层-laser preparation of wbc rb particle-reinforced nickel-based composite coating grown in situ.docx
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激光制备原位生长wbcrb颗粒增强镍基复合涂层-laser preparation of wbc rb particle-reinforced nickel-based composite coating grown in situ
郑州大学硕士论文摘要摘要激光熔覆原位生长陶瓷增强金属涂层是在激光照射下,通过元素与化合物 之间或元素之间的原位反应,在涂层中原位生成一种或儿种高弹性模最、高强 度的陶能增强相,将金属的高韧性和陶瓷的耐蚀、耐磨、高硬等特性有机结合, 从而达到强化基体的效果,大大提高材料的表面性能。激光熔覆原位自生陶瓷 增强金属涂层原位形核、增强相颗粒细小且弥散分布、组织细化,与基体相容 性好,界丽结合力强,表面无污染,其硬度、耐磨性等均显著提高。棚化物具有极高的烙点和硬度,且棚化物具有棚原子问相互间牢阔结合的 特性,从而使其在高温及各种腐蚀性的环境中有较高的化学稳定性和独特的耐 磨性,作为切削工具、耐磨耐腐蚀热机部件,在工程机械工业、医药、化工、 轻工、纺织、消防、建材、农业、车工回防等部门得到广泛应用。本文采用激光熔覆原位生长技术制备了棚化物颗粒增强镰基涂层,对其制 备工艺、组织、硬度和耐磨性等进行了系统研究,结果和主要结论如下:(1) 在 4抑制表面激光熔覆 Ni60+ (W03+ B203+ C )泪合粉末,首次成功制 备出形貌良好、性能改善、原位生长 WB-CrB 颗粒增强的银基复合涂层:最佳 制备工艺为: (W03+ B203+ C )含最 16 wt.% ,激光功率18.kW ,离焦最50mm,扫描速度 2 mm1s;(2) Ni60+16 wt.% (W03+ B203+ C) 熔覆层组织为:原位生成的 WB翩 CrB 颗 粒和 Cr3C2 条状相均匀分布于 y(NiFe)树枝晶基体中;。)原位生长WB-CrB 颗粒增强镰基复合涂层平均硬度 HV0.3 1350,与纯 Ni60 烙覆层〈平均硬度 HV0.3800) 相比,提高 68.7%。摩擦试脸表明,其耐磨 性比纯 Ni60 涂层提高 7 倍。原位生长 WB-CrB 陶瓷颗粒增强相及其均匀分布是 烙覆层硬度和耐磨性得以大大提高的关键因素。关键词激光熔疆,原位生长,棚化物,显微组织,耐磨性郑州大学硕士论文摘要AbstractIn si伽 synthesised ceramic coating by laser irradiation 伽rough in situ reaction among the elements and compounds has one or several high elastic modulus,high s位ength ceramic reinforcement ,thus to s仿engthen the matrix and great1y improve thesurface properties of mat町ials by ωmbining the high toughness of metal with the ceramics prop町ties such as high corrosion resistance,high we町 resistance,high hardness .In si阳 las町 cladding c町amic coating is characterized by in si阳nucleation , small and dispersed er由ancing particulates and struc阳re refinement ,which has a good compatibi1ity wi伽 ma创x,strong bonding,surface pollution,and whose hardness,wear resistance and so on are significantly increased.Boride ceramics has high melting point and hardness,whose boron 时oms combine with each oth町 firm characteristics ,making it at a high tempera阳re andcorrosive environment has high chemical stability and unique wωresistance. 趴le to its excellent p町formance,boride c町amics hωalready applied to most of the surface engine时ing of metal1ic mat创als,such as cutting tools,wear resistant heat engine components,widely u
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