北京大学景观设计学研究院-中山岐江公园的分析66p 北京大学景观设计学研究院.pptVIP

北京大学景观设计学研究院-中山岐江公园的分析66p 北京大学景观设计学研究院.ppt

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北京大学景观设计学研究院-中山岐江公园的分析66p 北京大学景观设计学研究院

产业用地的再利用与生态恢复 -----北京大学景观设计学研究院-中山歧江公园案例 The Recycling and Ecological Recovering of Industrial land ---------The Case of Zhongshan Shipyard Park ? ASLA Design Award Winner 俞孔坚 Yu Kongjian 北京大学景观设计学研究院 (The Graduate School of Landscape Architecture, Peking University) 北京土人景观规划设计研究所 Turen Design Institute 普遍的问题The Common Issues: 生锈的弃儿The rusted and deserted The philosophy:Values and Ethics The culture being neglected and the beauty of weeds 足下的文化与野草之美:关于文化与自然的新伦理 1.什么是自然、生态和美What is nature and its beauty? Tigers? Giant panda? the flowering magnolia and roses are beautiful, so is native weeds. What is ecological?Ecological or natural does not always beautiful. Design makes them beautiful? 2.什么是文化What is culture and valuable? the history of 30-40 years, and the socialist industrial culture of the 1950s and 1960s or 1970s by the common people, may be as precious as that of the thousands years’ history and the Chinese traditional culture. The rusted thus been abandoned, the common thus been ignored, are to be valued. 3.什么是设计What is design? preserving, modifying existing old forms, as well as creating new forms. 设计途径The Design Approaches Preserve: no design---preserve native habitats, water ,and cultural elements Reuse: to reuse existing structures, materials and forms for new functions Recycle: to digest the existing forms, materials and genius loci to re-create new forms for new functions and for visualizing and strengthening the meanings of the site 本案例:中山粤中造船厂 The case of Zhongshan Shipyard 11 hectares ,built in 1950s ,bankrupted in 1999,small but typical of socialist industry. 改造和再利用:机器与拆除的建材再利用方案 The concept for the reuse of machinery and architectural materials from wreckages * * The Turen Concept: Nature, man and spirit as one Earth (Tu), the perceived center of the universe, and the base of all living creatures, symbolizes both life and spirit. It receives and accumulates energy from heaven, nourishing all that grows and moves. Our forefat


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