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2011 届毕业设计?(论文) 题 目:田湾河公司?招待所(方案三)专 业:土 木 工 程班 级:土 木 1102姓 名指导老师:卢红琴 唐明怡 徐欣起讫日期:2015.3.22-2015.5.242015年?6月摘要框架结构的?优点是建筑?平面布置灵?活,与其他结构?相比,它是一种造?价较低的结?构体系。建筑物外形?由单一的矩?形发展到L?形,弧形等很多?形状。建筑物的体?形也由单一?体形发展到?单元组合体?型和复杂体?型。因此,多层工业,民用和公共?建筑均采用?框架结构体?系。本设计主要?对结构方案?中第4榀框?架进行结构?设计,按照最初开?题报告所探?索的计算步?骤进行结构?设计,步骤大概如?下:确定结构布?置选型,结构层间荷?载计算,竖向荷载计?算,D值法进行?风荷载和地?震荷载运算?,结构内力组?合,梁和框架柱?截面配筋计?算,进行独基设?计,最后进行P?KPM设计?并绘制施工?图。关键词:框架结构;分层法;独立基础;结构设计;配筋。Abstr?actBecau?se of the advan?tages? of frame? struc?ture of the build?ing layou?t iflex?ible,easy to satis?fy the requi?remen?ts set large? space?, facad?e proce?ssing? also easy to meet deman?d, the art of archi?tectu?re, frame? struc?ture is a low cost struc?ture compa?red with other? struc?tures?.The figur?ation? of the build?ing chang?es from the singl?e recta?ngula?r to L-shape?d,proto?types? etc. The bodil?y form chang?es from singl?ebuild?ing to the unit combi?natio?n shape? size and compl?ex shape?. There?fore, the frame? struc?ture is adopt?ed in multi?-layer? indus?trial? and civil? and publi?c build?ings.The 4th horiz?ontal? frame? struc?ture is desig?ned in this desig?n.After? deter?minin?g the frame? layou?ts, the stand?ard value?s of loads? actin?g on the struc?ture are calcu?lated? first?ly.Then the inter?nal force?s of the struc?ture cause?d by verti?cal const?ant load and live load are calcu?lated? by strat?ified? sampl?ing metho?d. Then, the struc?tural? inter?nal force?s (momen?t,shear? force? and axial? force?).due to horiz?ontal? wind load is calcu?lated? by using? a D value? metho?d. Secon?dly, the inter?nal force?s under? vario?us circu?mstan?ces are combi?ned. The secur?ity resul?ts are selec?ted to calcu?late the reinf?orcem?ent of frame? beams? and frame? colum?n.Then, the struc?ture of the shall?ow found?ation? is desig?ned. Final?ly, the shop drawi?ng of the frame? struc?ture is drawn? by PKPM and CAD softw?are.Key words?:Frame? struc?ture;Layer?ing metho?d;Isola?t


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