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第29 卷 第3 期 电 子 器 件 V ol. 29 No. 3 2006 年9 月 Chinese Journal Of Elect ron Dev ices Sep. 2006 Simulation of Digital Microfluidic Device Based on ElectrowettingonDielectric YUE Ruif eng , ZEN G X uef eng , W U J iangang , K A N G M ing , L I UL itian (I nstitute of M icr oelectr onics , Tsing ua University , B eij ing 100084, C ina) Abstract:Based o n the f undament al t heory of EW O D and w ith the help of co mput atio nal f luid dynamics CFD) sof tw are, CF DA CE+ , t he processes of t ransport ing, creat ing, div iding and m erg ing dro plet s of w at er in t he dig ital m icrof luidic device w it h a t ypical Sandwich st ruct ur e are sim ulat ed successfully. T he linear relat ion bet w een t he g ap heig ht and t he droplet m ovement speed is obtained. When t he g ap heig ht is larger t han 200m, it beco mes much m ore dif f icult to split t he droplet. T he sim ulat ion result s ag ree quit e w ell w ith the ex periment al f inding s. Key words:electro w et t ingondielectr ic; digit al m icrof luidic device; sandw ich st ruct ure; simulat ion EEACC:2575D 岳瑞峰, 曾雪锋, 吴建刚, 康 明, 刘理天 , 100084) : , CF D- A CE+ , , ; , 200 m , : ; ; ; : 35 :A 2006 , , , CFD - A CE+ , , , , 1 [ 13] EW O D , elect row et ting o n dielect ric, EW O D) , 1 , , , 0 ) Y oung : EW O D cos(0) = sol- gas - sol- liq ( 1) gas- liq : : ; J C2003060) : 1965- ) , , , M EM S , yuerf @ mail. tsing hua. edu . cn . 第3 期 岳瑞 , 曾雪锋等: 基于介质上


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