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浅析孔子仁学及其实现 2005-12-16 08:57 浅析孔子仁学及其实现 李建文 【摘要】仁是《论语》一书的重要范畴,也为后来学者认定为孔子思想的核心。然而,《论语》论仁一百余次,却是散见于《论语》全书,且一般都是孔子针对学生不同提问所作的不同论述,似乎没有明确系统地阐释仁的思想的地方。然而笔者认为,孔子虽然不曾明确论述仁是什么,但他看似零散的论述中已蕴含了关于仁的思想的大体体系框架。本文主要根据《论语》及有关文献中的相关论述对孔子仁学思想作了一个梳理,指出了仁学作为一个思想体系的理论前提、根本、立足点和仁的一般精神,并指出了仁的丰富性和灵活性的特点。在此基础上,又论述了仁的实现,认为仁的实现有具体而微的实现,又有普遍而宏观的实现。基于此论述,孔子从不轻许人以仁与“我欲仁,斯仁至矣”的看似矛盾的论述以及许“不知礼”的管仲为仁者的深层原因应是不言自明的了。 【关键词】孔子仁学仁学实现 【Abstract】Benevolence, which is regarded as the core of Confucius’ thoughts by many scholars, is an important category in the book The Analects of Confucius. And there are many conversations about it between Confucius and his disciples in this book. While, what Confucius said is just different replies for his disciples’ different questions, and it seems that Confucius never gave a definite and systematic exposition on benevolence. However, as an ideological system, from Confucius’ talks we can make out the framework of benevolence. In this paper, the writer gives the premise, the foundation, the standpoint and the general spirit of benevolence, and points out benevolence is a concept with extremely abundant connotations and it is flexible on the systematic studies of Confucius’ thoughts. Then, this paper also discusses the realization of benevolence. It points out that there are several gradations in the realization. Just based on the discussion, this paper answers the question that when Confucius said “If I want the benevolence, behold, it is just handy”, he also didn’t rashly count anyone to be benevolent. And it also explains why Confucius counted Guan Zhong, who didn’t know decorum, to be a benevolent man. 【Key words】Confucius benevolence the realization of benevolence 仁学是孔子思想的核心。《论语》论仁一百余次,然而却散见于《论语》全书,且一般都是孔子针对其学生不同提问所作的不同论述。因此,如何理解孔子的仁学成为历来学者争论不休的问题。笔者认为,孔子虽然不曾明确论述仁是什么,但他看似零散的论述中已蕴含了仁学的大体体系框架。从他及其学生们的相关论述中,我们可以分析出仁的前提、根本、立足点和仁的一般精神,并总结出仁的丰富性和灵活性这两个重要特点。这些即是孔子仁学思想的精要所在。孔子讲仁,同时也讲仁的实现。在讲仁的实现时,孔子一方面说“仁远乎哉?我欲仁,斯仁至矣”,[i]一方面又从不轻许人以仁。这二者看似矛盾,实则不然,而恰恰是孔子仁学思想在实践层面上的体现,反映了仁的内涵丰富


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