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No.1 accident insurance 意外保险 medical insurance 医疗保险 private health insurance 私人健康保险 disability insurance 伤残保险 social insurance 社会保险 unemployment insurance 失业保险 whole life insurance 终身人寿保险 draw up a budget 制定预算 submit a budget 提交一项预算报告 balance a budget 平衡预算 exceed a budget 超出预算 cut/reduce a budget 减少预算 overcome temptation 克服诱惑 resist temptation 抵制诱惑 be exposed to temptation 受到诱惑 face temptation 面临诱惑 succumb to temptation 向诱惑屈服 place/put temptation in sb.’s way让…受诱惑 clear/earn/make/turn a profit 获得利润 divide profits 分红利 a clear/net profit 净利 a gross profit 毛利,总利润 poor profits 薄利 small profits and quick returns薄利多销 at a profit 获利地、有利可图地 过得去 get by 寻觅心灵的满足find contentment艰苦的生活 a tough life 日常的家务 usual household routine 正如老话说的那样 as the old saying goes 过冬 get through the winter 常春藤联合会学校 Ivy League schools 带着某人的祝福 with sb.’s blessings 总的来说 on balance 担任全职工作 be employed full time 贷款按揭 mortgage payments 至于… When it comes to ... 除…以外 apart from ... 外出吃饭 dine out 耐得住寂寞 a tolerance for solitude 手头紧 be on a tight budget 自给自足 self-sufficiency 抵制诱惑 resist the temptation to do…怆然离去 leave with a feeling of sorrow 自豪感 a sense of pride 赚钱 arn money 大地回暖的气息the smell of the earth warming 温馨快乐每一分钟 love/enjoy every minute of sth. 一旦形势好转 once economic conditions improve 听歌剧、看芭蕾演出 attend the opera and ballet 弥补收入差额 make up the difference in income 降低生活标准lower the standard of living / living standard 一种自力更生的生活a self-reliant sort of life No.2 hurricane a strong, abrupt rush of wind (=gust) gust a very strong wind (=gale) gale a severe tropical cyclone, usu. involving heavy rains (=hurricane) tornado a rotating column of air (=tornado) against one’s principle 违反原则 as a matter of principle 作为原则性问题 by principle 按照原则,根据原则 of principle 有原则的 adhere to one’s principles 坚持原则 abandon one’s principles 抛弃原则 a historic site 历史古迹 construction sites 建筑工地 a battlefield site 战场的遗址 carry out /


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