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目 录 内容摘要 1 关键词 1 Abstract 1 Key words 1 1、引言 2 2、Fisher判别的前提假设 2 3、Fisher判别的一般理论分析 3 3.1 建立线性判别函数 3 3.2 fisher判别的规则及统计检验 6 4、SPSS计算步骤及结果 8 4.1 计算过程 8 4.2 输出结果与判别分析 10 5、总结及建议 16 参考文献 21 致谢 22 附录A 23 附录B 24 Fisher判别分析在城镇居民消费等级评估中的应用 内容摘要:Fisher判别法是多元判别法的典型代表。Fisher判别法的一般原理对进行分析建立线性判别函数,关键词:Fisher判别; 判别分析;马氏距离;Abstract:he Fisher discrimination method is a typical representative of multi-variable discrimination method of statistic. Using the general principles of Fisher discrimination, the paper analyzes assessment of consumption level of urban residents in the basis of the level of consumption in all regions among the known data. Linear discriminate function of factors is established by it. Through the relevant operations of SPSS statistical software, it makes observations to be sentenced into the function and obtains F value. Finally the paper compares F value to get the discrimination results. The results indicate that this modes’ accurate rate is 100% in the analysis of the level. It is identical with other models ’results in China. And it is a useful and important tool for government regulation on the consumer side of urban residents and provides some specific recommendations to the government about consumption of urban residents after the analysis of results. Key words:Fisher discrimination; discrimination and analysis; Mahalanobis range; Consumption of urban residents引言)Fisher判别的前提假设 Fisher判别的一般理论分析 3.1 建立线性判别函数 令a为任一p维列向量,为X以a为法线方向的投影,这时,上述数据的投影为: 则 (2.1.1) (2.1.2) 若a取得好,则应使: (1)不同组之间的区分能力越大越好,组间平方和为 (2.1.3) B为组间离差阵,它反映了组间的差异。 (2)每个组中y值离散程度越小越好,组内平方和为 (2.1.4) 其反映了组内的差异。 若k组均值有显著差异,则 ; 所以F值应充分地大,或者 ; (2.1.5) 达到极大值,经推导a应满足 (2.1.6) 若存在,则有 (2.1.7) 求出的最大特征根及它所对应的特征向量;则第一判别函数为 若(2.1.7)的非零正特征值为 相应的特征向量依次为,则就可得到多个判别函数 ,为方便计算,后面均记判别系数为a。 假如令 ; (2.1.8) 它和(2.1.5)式只相差一个常数,且,其中的表示协方差阵。 即S是的无偏估计,要使a取得最恰当的值,


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