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EMERGENCY RESPONSE 应急反应 ISSUE REV ISSUE OR REVISION DESCRIPTION ORIGIN BY DATE CHK’D BY DATE APP’D BY DATE R00 ORIGINAL INDEX 目录 PURPOSE 目的 SCOPE 范围 PROCEDURE 程序 REFERENCE 附件 1 PURPOSE 目的 To establish the procedure to provide effective activities reduce the lose of the property and prevent employee being injured in case of emergency situation. 当紧急情况发生时,在施工现场实施有效的措施,减少人员的伤亡和财产的损失,特 制定本程序。 2 SCOPE 范围 This procedure is applied for all personnel in PC project construction site. 本程序适用于PC 项目的施工现场的所有人员。 3 PROCEDURE 程序 Emergency procedures have been established to identify and control prescribed activities in the following circumstances: 已制定好了应急预案,为以下情况发生时识 别并控制好局面: Site evacuation现场疏散 Serious injury重伤 Fire火灾 Natural disaster (earthquake/typhoon/heavy rain) 自然灾害 (地震、台风、暴雨等) 其它灾害的预防与反应 Contractor shall identify a contact person who can be reached around clock to responsible and coordinate in case of emergency. 承包商必须指定一名始终能够联系到的联络人,负责紧急情况下的协调指挥。 The contractor should set up a emergency response board at the work site . The responsible person and outside contact agency. 承包商在施工现场必须设立应急联络布告牌,明确责任人和外部联系机 构. All personnel responsible for carrying out prescribed activities in emergency procedures must familiarize themselves with their duties and carry them out in an efficient manner. 所有负责完成应急程序中规定的行为的人员,必须熟悉自身职责并高效地完 成任务。 Any changes in their personal contact telephone number or address etc. must be immediately notified to the project manager and safety personnel. 若有任何人员联系电话或地址等发生变化,一定要立即通知项目经理和 项目 安全人员。 In case of emergencies, the BPS Site Manager is responsible for all- overall decisions and tasks on behalf of the BISC. 发生紧急


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