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集 体 备 课 通 用 教 案 学科 English 课题 Unit 5 Why do you like pandas ? Period 1Section 1a –2c 蓝山县 蓝屏学校 201 4 年 上 期 七 年级 主备人 郑春琴 执教人 郑春琴 课时 总课时 执教时间 集体备 课成员 教材 简析 本节课主要学习一些动物的名称以及自己对某些动物的喜好的原因进行表达,初步掌握应用“why---because”句型来询问他人爱好并解释原因。 预设 目标 1.掌握有关动物的单词及描绘这些动物的形容词。 2. 学习“why”引导的特殊疑问句及其回答。 教学 重难点 重点: 1、重点词汇:tiger, elephant, koala, lion, giraffe, panda, why, because, scary, kind, cute, smart, lazy , beautiful, Australia, South Africa, China. 2?、重点句型:Let’s see the lions. --Why do you like lions? --Because they are fun. 难点:1、完成听力部分的训练。 ??2、理解并运用由“why”引导的特殊疑问句。 教具 准备 A tape recorder some pictures of animals 教法 学法 Listening, Speaking 教学过程 Step one Leading in 1、Simple greeting. 2、Review the names of subjects, then ask students which subject do they like best and why. eg: A: What’s your favorite subject? B: My favorite subject is P.E. A: Why do you like it? B: Because it’s fun. Step two Presentation 1、Learn the new words a. Show one picture and ask students what this is. b. Teach this new word and ask students what they think of it. [Use this way to learn other words.] 2、Learn the target language a. Use those pictures to ask students if they like them or not and why. b. Use one of those pictures to make a conversation with your partner. eg. A: Let’s see the lions. B: Why do you like them? A: because they are fun. Step three Practice 1、Look at the activity in 1a, and read these words together, then match the words with the animals. 2、Listen to the tape and check the animals you hear in 1a.(1b) 3、Listen to the tape and try to finish the 2a activity. 4、Listen again and finish the 2b activity. 5、After finishing the activity, ask some students to share the answer. And then check the answers. Step four Consolidation Talk about the other two animals in 2a with your partner. Step five Summary In this class, we have learned many new words of animals and descriptions about


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