A XXX装饰有限公司员工培训探讨 本科毕业设计.doc

A XXX装饰有限公司员工培训探讨 本科毕业设计.doc

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A XXX装饰有限公司员工培训探讨 本科毕业设计

本科毕业设计(论文) XXX装饰有限公司员工培训探讨 学 院 经济管理学院 专 业 工商管理 年级班别 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 年 月 日 摘 要 员工培训是人力资源管理工作中最重要的内容之一。有效的员工培训不但能提高员工的技能水平,还可以传播公司文化和经营理念,有助于员工之间的协调合作与沟通,方便实施制度和战略。在世界经济全球化的今天,尤其是加入世贸组织后,中国企业员工的培训已变为企业竞争实力的主要法宝,对企业未来的发展具有战略性影响。 员生培训很重要,要做到科学有效的培训不是一件简单的事情,它包括很多方面的内容。从培训需求分析到培训方法的选择以及合理的培训评估,都需要人力资源管理工作者认真思考和研究。在这样一个现代科学技术迅猛进步,知识经济时代即将来临的经济全球化浪潮的促使下,企业培训已成为不可避免的事实,且正受到企业越来越多的关注。尽管培训浪潮势不可挡,然而,在XXX装饰有限公司的培训中仍然存在很多问题。因此,如何加强和完善人才培养和员工培训,是当前XXX装饰有限公司在发展过程中需急待解决的问题。而对XXX装饰有限公司员工培训的问题进行分析、探讨其解决对策具有直接而现实的意义。 关键词:员工培训,培训规划,管理人员 Abstract Employees training is a human resource to manage one of the most important contents in the work. Valid employees training can raise the employees technical ability level not only, can also spread the company culture and principle of management, contributing to moderating of the employees a cooperation and communicating, convenience implement system and strategy. Today in economic globalization in the world is after joining world trade organization particularly, the training of Chinese business enterprise employee has already changed into the main magic weapon of real strength of the business enterprise competition, having strategic influence to the business enterprise future development. The member livings a training very important, attaining the science valid training isnt a simple affair, it includes a very various contents. From training the need analyze a training a training of choiring and reasonable of method valuation, all needing a human resource management, the worker considers hard with research. At this modern fast fierce progress of the science technique, the ages of knowledge-based economy will soon come of the economic globalization wave tide urge under, the business enterprise training has become ineluctable fact, and is being subjected to a business enterprise more and more concern. Though the training wave tide cant block cer


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