Developing and Developed Countries-Introduction and Reading课件.ppt

Developing and Developed Countries-Introduction and Reading课件.ppt

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Developing and Developed Countries-Introduction and Reading课件

* Developing and Developed Countries-Introduction and Reading课件 外研版 必修三 Module 2 North America South America Africa Europe Asia Oceania Antarctica Arctic Pacific Atlantic Indian Ocean Do you know the places? Holland Germany France Japan The US China Norway Australia Which countries are developed countries and which are developing ones? Developed countries are most of the western countries. Mainly included:America, Germany, France, the UK, Italy, Canada and Japan. Developing countries are most of countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Discussion Income: ( larger / smaller) What are the differences between developed and developing countries? Industry and commerce: (flourishing/ laggard) Education: (good / little) Life expectancy: (live long/short) Environment: good/bad(terrible) Poverty What are the problems that the developing countries face? How to solve them? Less education Bad environment Diseases A Short Discussion 1) Develop education (make sure everyone can receive education) 2) Reduce tax items; 3) Improve the environment; 4) Encourage developed countries to give more help to the developing countries; 5) The government should encourage people to improve the present condition to reduce poverty and hunger Australia France Germany Iceland Japan Sweden the Netherlands the UK the US Match the countries with their continents. Oceania Europe Asia North America Country Continent Japan Australia France, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, the UK, Iceland the US Match the words with the definitions. 1. the knowledge that you get at school or college _________ 2. when people have very little money _______ education poverty developed country developing country disease


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