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 I wish to make good preparation for the next examination in advance of the others.   我要赶在别人之前为下次考试做好准备。   In appreciation of your help, I was able to get through the driving test and receive the driving license in time.   感谢您的帮助,我及时通过了驾驶考试并拿到了驾驶执照。   If you go hiking, you’d better take an umbrella with you in case of rain.   如果要去远足,你最好带上雨伞以防下雨。   Lao Wang is in charge of the project, and he could tell you about it in detail.   老王负责那项工程,他可以详细地告诉你有关的情况。   Because of the serious situation, the headquarters decided to place McDonald in command of a company.   因为严峻的形势,总部决定让麦克唐纳指挥一个连队。   In consequence of the previous experiment, Dr Lake planned to take some other experimental steps this time.   由于上回实验的缘故,这次莱克博士打算采取一些别的实验步骤。   Dongzi persisted in sending messages to the Red Army even if he was in danger of being arrested by the enemy.   即便有被敌人抓起来的危险,冬子还是坚持为红军送信。   In defect of farming in winter, almost all the peasants here would go to town for a living.   冬天农闲时,这里几乎所有的农民都进城谋生。   All the people, men and women, young and old, were fighting against the flood in defence of their own homes.   所有的人,无论男女老少,都在与洪水作斗争,保卫自己的家园。   That nurse should not plead inexperience in excuse of her mistake.   那个护士不应该借口缺乏经验来为她的错误辩解。   The people in the flooding area are also in expectation of the aid from the government as they are rebuilding their houses bravely.   洪水灾区的人们一边勇敢地重建家园,一边也盼望着来自政府的援助。   In explanation of her deed, the girl has written three letters to her parents faraway this month.   作为对她的行为的解释,那个姑娘这月已经给远方的父母写了三封信。   The whole family worked in the fields day and night, still achieving a bumper harvest in face of unfavourable weather conditions.   一家人起早贪黑地下地,在气候不利的情况下仍然取得了丰收。   Hearing about his idea, some were in favour of his suggestion, but some others were strongly against it.   听了他的主意,一些人赞成他的建议,但另一些人表示强烈的反对。   In fear of losing his way, the little boy was looking back from time to time as he walked in the woods.   担心迷路,小男孩在树林里一边走,一边不时地回头看。   There is a smooth lawn in front of


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