Unit 3 新视野大学英语第五册第三课.doc

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Unit 3 新视野大学英语第五册第三课

Unit 3 新视野大学英语第五册第三课Preview ??? This unit involves techniques of products promotion and services performance. While some techniques are appealing and effective, others are deceptive. The first passage introduces various techniques of sales promotion and how they can be used effectively. The second passage analyzes the customers’ psychology of transferring the sensation from the package to its products. The third passage discloses deceptive maintenance offered by some sophisticated auto sellers. The whole unit is to present a picture of the market economy from different perspectives. Pre-reading Activities An Introduction to Sales Promotion 课文讲解 An Introduction to Sales Promotion 课文生词短语(words,Phrases and Expressions) An Introduction to Sales Promotion 课文生词讲解( new words study) An Introduction to Sales Promotion 课文学习重点讲解(Language Points) An Introduction to Sales Promotion 背景知识(background info) 产品促销概述 An Introduction to Sales Promotion 课文结构分析(text structure analysis) The Package as Product 课文讲解 The Package as Product 课文生词短语(words,Phrases and Expressions) The Package as Product 课文生词讲解( new words study) The Package as Product 课文学习重点讲解(Language Points) The Package as Product 背景知识(background info) : 路易斯·切斯金生平与作品讲解 阅读技能:Lexical Repetition 以“貌”取物 Auto Maintenance — Dont Get Taken for a Ride! 课文讲解 Auto Maintenance — Dont Get Taken for a Ride! 背景知识(background info) 汽车维修——切勿吃亏上当! Pre-reading Activities An Introduction to Sales Promotion First Listening Please listen to a short passage carefully and prepare to answer some questions. ??? Are you familiar with sales-promotion techniques? As a means supplementary to advertising, personal selling, and publicity, sales promotion has become increasingly popular. Its varied and numerous techniques, used in a promotional campaign, often turn out to be more humane and direct than media advertising. Compared with five years ago, three of five firms had moved to increase their expenditures on such non-media alternatives


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