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课程编号总学时数:36学时学 分:是现代医学科学的重要组成部分
《磁共振诊断学》在医学影像本科班中授课学时,理论课重点在于磁共振的成像基础,各部位的 MR 解剖,临床应用和必威体育精装版进展。主要章节包括总论、颅脑、脊柱、胸部、上腹部、泌尿、盆腔和骨关节的 MR 诊断。在总论中,讲解 MR 的发展史,MR 设备和构造,MR 成像原理,MR 的适应症和禁忌症。比较 CT 和 MR的影像学特征。介绍 MRA 和 CE-MRA 的临床应用。在颅脑中,以星形细胞瘤和脑膜瘤为例,说明轴内肿瘤和轴外肿瘤的 MR 特征,归纳轴内和轴外肿瘤的鉴别诊断要点。讲述脑血管病(脑内血肿、脑梗塞和脑血管畸形)MR 诊断,颅内感染、脑脱髓鞘疾患和先天性畸形的 MR 诊断。在脊柱中,讲解脊椎的 MR 检查方法, 脊柱退变和脊柱中央管闭合不全的病理过程及 MR 诊断。脊椎肿瘤的 MR 特征和鉴别诊断。 脊柱外伤和感染的 MR 诊断。在胸部中, 讲解肺癌,恶性淋巴瘤,神经源性肿瘤的 MR 诊断。夹层动脉瘤和先天性心脏病的 MR 诊断。介绍肺炎,肺结核的 MR 表现。在上腹部中, 讲解肝囊肿,肾囊肿,肝血管瘤和肝癌MR 检查方法和诊断。肝硬化,急性胰腺炎的 MR 诊断。在泌尿系统中,讲解肾癌、膀胱癌的 MR 诊断和分期。输尿管癌和结石的 MR 诊断。在盆腔中,讲解盆腔的检查方法和注意事项,子宫肌瘤、卵巢囊肿和卵巢囊腺瘤的 MR 诊断。前列腺增生、前列腺癌的 MR 诊断。在骨关节中,膝关节外伤和股骨头缺血性坏死的MR 诊断,骨肿瘤和软组织肿瘤的 MR 诊断。
《MR Diagnosis of Whole Body》takes class hours for undergraduate students. It emphasizes on the imaging principle, MR anatomy, clinical application and the latest development. The main contents include General Consideration, the Intracranial part, the Spinal Column, the Chest, the Upper Abdomen, the Urinary system, the Pelvis and Skeletal system. In the General Consideration, it gives the history, structures of MR, MR principle, examining indication and contraindication. The imaging features are compared between CT and MR. Also, MRA and CE-MRA play more and more important roles in the clinical practice. In Intracranial part, setting an example of astrocytoma and meningioma, we indicate the MR characteristics of intra-axial and extral-axial tumors and summarize the keys of its differential diagnosis.
Intracranial vascular diseases ( intracranial hematoma, infarction and AVM) are showed in the lecture. Meanwhile, we reach to intracranial infection, demyelination diseases and congenital malformation. In the Spinal Column, the techniques and protocols are highly evaluated. The main kinds of diseases are degeneration of spinal column,congenital abnormity of spinal cord, the differential diagnosis of intravertebral tumors, injures and infections. In the Chest, the items are listed in pulmo