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《环境工程专业英语》课程教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 课程 课程 学时:学  分:适用对象:先修课程:The country’s increasing investment on the environmental protection promotes the unprecedented development of the communication with inside and outside country, we are anxious for rather systemic English study. It is help for teaching and research-guiding of the undergraduates and postgraduates. English on environmental engineering is the specialty elective for the environmental engineering students. The main aim of the course is the to know the situation of environmental engineering field. On the other hand , the student must confer and imitate when writing. English on Environmental Engineering consists of four parts. The first part introduces the essential content of the environmental science and engineering; the environmental protection policies and development in China; the environmental protection policies and laws in other counties, especially in the United States. The second part enumerates some principal environmental problems the human beings are facing, including air pollution, water pollution ,sharp fall of forests and extinction of wildlife. The third part of this course select some techniques and technology of the disposal of contamination. The last part is about the writing article in English, especially the abstract in English. 三、课程性质与教学目的 环境工程专业英语是高等学校环境工程专业的一门选修专业课. 通过这门课程的学习,提供一个机会,使学生较全面地了解环境工程学科的内容和发展趋势;另一方面督促学生在英文写作时尽可能地模仿和参考,对学生后面毕业论文的撰写打下基础。 四、教学内容及要求 第一章 Unit 1:Environmental Science and Policy(6学时) 目的与要求 The development of environmental policy in china(3学时) Environmental Policy and Regulation in the United States(3学时) 重点: The development of environmental policy in china 难点:Environmental Policy and Regulation in the United States 教学内容 第一节 The development of environmental policy in china(3学时) 主要内容:了解中国的环境保护政策的发展 基本概念和知识点:The Development of Environmental Policy in China、Measures 、The prospect for the 21st century、Meeting the needs of the future to establish the e


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