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月令中英文对照 《月令》 英文翻译:理雅各(James Legge) [又名:Proceedings of Government in the Different Months] 1孟春之月,日在营室,昏参中,旦尾中。其日甲乙。其帝大皞,其神句芒。其虫鳞。其音角,律中大蔟。其数八。其味酸,其臭膻。其祀户,祭先脾。 In the first month of spring the sun is in Shi, the star culminating at dusk being Shen, and that culminating at dawn Wei. Its days are jia and yi. Its divine ruler is Dai Hao, and the (attending) spirit is Gou-mang. Its creatures are the scaly. Its musical note is Jiao, and its pitch-tube is the Dai Cu. Its number is eight; its take is sour; its smell is rank. Its sacrifice is that at the door, and of the parts of the victim the spleen has the foremost place. 2东风解冻,蛰虫始振,鱼上冰,獭祭鱼,鸿雁来。 The east winds resolve the cold. Creatures that have been torpid during the winter begin to move. The fishes rise up to the ice. Otters sacrifice fish. The wild geese make their appearance. 3天子居青阳左个。乘鸾路,驾仓龙,载青旗,衣青衣,服仓玉,食麦与羊,其器疏以达。 The son of Heaven occupies the apartment on the left of the Qing Yang (Fane); rides in the carriage with the phoenix (bells), drawn by the azure-dragon (horses), and carrying the green flag; wears the green robes, and the (pieces of) green jade (on his cap and at his girdle pendant). He eats wheat and mutton. The vessels which he uses are slightly carved, (to resemble) the shooting forth (of plants). 4是月也,以立春。先立春三日,大史谒之天子曰:某日立春,盛德在木。天子乃齐。立春之日,天子亲帅三公、九卿、诸侯、大夫以迎春于东郊。还反,赏公卿、诸侯、大夫于朝。命相布德和令,行庆施惠,下及兆民。庆赐遂行,毋有不当。乃命大史守典奉法,司天日月星辰之行,宿离不贷,毋失经纪,以初为常。 In this month there takes place the inauguration of spring. Three days before this ceremony, the Grand recorder informs the son of Heaven, saying, On such and such a day is the inauguration of the spring. The energies of the season are fully seen in wood. On this the son of Heaven devotes himself to self-purification, and on the day he leads in person the three ducal ministers, his nine high ministers, the feudal princes (who are at court), and his Great officers, to meet the spring in the eastern suburb; and on their return, he rewards them all in the court. H


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