一年级下册unit8 shapes-第1课时教学设计.doc

一年级下册unit8 shapes-第1课时教学设计.doc

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一年级下册unit8 shapes-第1课时教学设计

北师大版《英语》小学一年级下册 Unit8 Shapes教学设计 (第1课时) 一、教学流程 二、教学内容 1、单元主句型:What shape is it? It’s a heart. 2、部分单词:heart, square, star, circle. 三、教学目标 1、知识目标 a)能够熟练听读、辨认单词heart, square, star, circle。 b)能理解并运用句型What shape is it? It’s a heart.进行简单对话。 2、技能目标: a)能够认读单词,并能够在情景中简单运用所学句型。 b)在课堂上展开小组活动,学生的小组合作能力得以培养。 c)对本单元内容进行适当拓展,学生的发散思维能力得以培养。 3、情感目标 a)营造民主和谐的英语学习氛围,学生能在英语课堂中快乐地学习。 b)培养学生热爱学习,团结同学,友爱合作的积极学习态度。 四、重点难点 1、单词的理解与认读:heart, square, star, circle。 2、句型的理解和运用:What shape is it? It’s a heart.TPR全身反应法和情景教学法,创设轻松活泼的课堂气氛,调动学生学习兴趣,达成预期的教学目标。 六、教具准备 单词卡、录音机、多媒体课件 七、教学过程 Step 1 Revision Greet the students. Little teacher helps students review the words and sentence structure of Unit 7. “What’s this?” “It’s a tiger.” Step 2 Presentation Draw a circle on the blackboard, then change it into stick pictures of a bird and a balloon. Get students guess what they are. Help them focus on the shape of the pictures. Teach the new word: a circle. Use the same way to present the shape of a square. Ask students, “What shape is it? Is it a circle?” Teach the new word: a square. Show the gift boxes on CAI and get students guess what is in them. Teach the new shape words star and heart with the pictures on CAI. Present the sentence structure and the new words on the blackboard. Lead students to read them out. Step 3 Practice Ask students to read the new words one by one. Help them read the words correctly. TPR activities: listen and jump to identify the right shape. TPR activities: ask students to form the shapes with their partner. Play the guessing game. Get students practice saying the new words. Feedback test: ask students to identify what shape is missing on CAI. Step 4 Extension Ask students to color the shapes on the blackboard, and elicit new phrases: a red star, a green circle etc. Get ready for the next period. Step 5 Homework Ask students to look for something of the shape which they learnt in this class. 八、板书设计 九、检测安排 对于本课所学句型和单词,教师可在课堂活动中进行口


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