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英语II(1)复习资料 题库使用说明: 红色的字句是答案,黑色字句是题干。考试时,阅读题的题目顺序可能会有变化,所以使用时,需仔细核 对。 阅读理解题没有抄录原文全文,只抄录了原文第一句,在使用时,只需先核对题目的第一句话符合即可。 根据已经进行过的几次考试的情况,每学期考试题目都会略有调整,但是总体变化不大;这份题库约能覆 盖实际题库的80%以上。换言之,如果下次考试实际题库延续以前范围,而不发生大的变化,则考生利用本 题库备考,则可至少保证80%以上的及格率。 作文没有给出范文,首先因为作文难度不高,仅80个单词;其次本题库作文范围也缩小到了5篇,便于考生 准备; 一、 对话与语法单选 1、——Afternoon sir, where to? ——Please get me to the airport. 2、——Are you sure about that? ——Oh, yes, I am absolutely positive. 3、——Could you tell me where Mr. Lake is? ——At the office. 4、——Can I take your order now? ——Just a moment, Two friends are coming.. 5、——Do you like watching football matches? ——Football? No, it is a waste of time. 6、——Don’t take too long at the coffee shop. It is 14:05. ——I see, we have 30 minutes left. 7、——Excuse me, how can I get to the nearest supermarket? ——Sorry sir, I’m a stranger here myself. 8、——Excuse me, when is the next flight from London due to arrive? ——In half an hour. file:///E|/世界五百强企业绝密文件请勿外传/电大英语II(1)考试参考答案.txt [2016/11/26 22:51:20] 9、——Excuse me, dose this bus go to the bookstore? ——No, you’d better change at the nest stop. 10、——Excuse me, which is the express train to Tokyo?——On your right, it’ll leave in 5 minutes. 11、——Have you got a table for four, waiter?——Yes, sure. This way, please.. 12、——Hello, could I speak to Don?——Who is speaking? 13、——Help yourself to the steak, Maggie?—Thank you, Helen. 14、——How do I get to Cairo?——You could catch the 9:30 flight and change at Paris 15、——Hurry up, the lecture begins at 2:00.—Don’t worry. We’ve got 20 minutes. 16、——I have an appointment with Dr. Johnson.—Please wait for a minute, he is busy now. 17、——I have not seen Belly for 10 years.——Neither have I. 18、——I wonder if Henry will come to the party at 8:00 sharp as he’s promised.—Do not worry, he always keeps his word. 19、——I wonder if Tim could control the situation. ——Well, if he can’t control it, no one can. 20、——I’m


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